zourite 0.4.0 Zourite is a client for professional Network like LinkedIn. You can stay connected to your...
zpui 0.1.1 ZPUI libraries System-level importable packages for ZPUI use - and other package use if...
zpuilib 0.1.2 ZPUI libraries System-level importable packages for ZPUI use - and other package use if...
zq 0.6 ZQL - Zabbix Query Language and a Python Module================================================
zrtool 0.2.0 zrtool zrtool is a little cli tool that let you do some actions on...
zshcompose 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
zssget 1.1.4 UNKNOWN
ztranslator 1.0.0 ztranslator Simples tradutor de linha de comando. Você pode configurar uma combinação de teclas...
zulipterm 0.7.0 Recent changes | Configuration | Hot Keys | FAQs | Development | Tutorial
zuoxiangqicheng 2024.3.5.0 坐享其成 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/zuoxiangqicheng docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
zwende 20190716.1 Sometimes it is beneficial to hide a ‘plain text’ message within plain text. This module...
zx 0.7.0 zx ZX Spectrum Emulator written in a mix of Python and C++.
zxpm 1.0 Python Module from ZHRXXgroup to install ZXpackages
zxvcv.cmdutil 0.5.0 zxvcv.cmdutil Commandline toolbox. Setup aliases To use aliases provided with this package:
zxvcv.util 0.4.1 zxvcv.util Toolbox for other projects. Contain usefull classes, functions and other usefull items,...
zxvcv.utilcli 0.2.6 zxvcv.util-cli Plotting data in terminal in multiple virtual screens displayed in single terminal....
zypperpatchstatuscollector 0.3.1 This queries the current patch status of the system from Zypper and exports it in...
zzimgcaption 0.0.3 ZZ-Image-Caption Image captioner CLI using BLIP and BLIP2 models Installation Requirements:...
zzpix 0.0.9 PIX A simple image manipulation tool...