
Creator: coderz1093

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bandicoot validation

bandicoot_validation #
Introduction #
Bandicoot is a validation schema library that makes is easy to create validation schemas and run those validations against a provided Map.
Bandicoot also enables the ability to sanitize map values as well.
Creating a Schema #
To create a schema, all you have to do is initiate a new Validator class and add the validation rules, and/or sanitization rules, you would like to apply for each property.
import 'package:bandicoot_validation/bandicoot_validation.dart';

PasswordRules passwordRules = PasswordRules();

Validator RegisterUserValidator = Validator()
validators: [IsString()]
validators: [IsString()]
name: 'emailAddress',
validators: [IsEmail()]
name: 'confirmEmailAddress',
validators: [MatchesProperty('emailAddress')]
name: 'password',
validators: [IsPassword(passwordRules)]
validators: [MatchesProperty('password')]

void main() {
Map registerData = {
'emailAddress': ;
'confirmEmailAddress': '[email protected]';
'password': 'insecure';
'confirmPassword': 'not the same';

List<String> errors = RegisterUserValidator.validate(registerData);

if (errors.length > 0) {
// Errors have been returned
} else {
// Error free!
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Validation Rules #

Validation Rule

Equals(String value)
Check if a property is equal to a specific value.

Check if a property is a valid email address.

Check if a property is a valid enum.

Check if a property is an int type.

IsPassword(PasswordRules rules)
Check if a property matches password rules.

Check if a property is a string.

IsUUID(String version = 'all')
Check if a property is a valid uuid.

MatchesProperty(String property)
Check if a property matches the value of another property

Matches(String pattern)
Check if a property matches a regex.

Validate(ValidateFunction validate)
Check if a property passes a custom validation.

Sanitization Rules #

Sanitization Rule

Coerce a value into a DateTime

Coerce a string value into a num

Coerce a non-string value into a String

Extensibility #
With Bandicoot, creating custom validations and sanitizers couldn't be easier. All you need to do is create a function that returns a ValidationRule or a SanitizeRule.
Sample ValidationRule #
import 'package:bandicoot_validation/bandicoot_validation.dart';

ValidationRule IsIn(List<dynamic> array, {String? message}) => ValidationRule(
message: message,
constraints: [array],
validate: (value, arguments) =>
Future(() => arguments.constraints[0].contains(value)),
defaultMessage: (arguments) {
String property =;
String arrayValues = arguments.constraints[0].join(', ');
return "$property must be one of the following values: $arrayValues";
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Sample SanitizeRule #
import 'package:bandicoot_validation/bandicoot_validation.dart';

DateTime? toDate(String string) {
try {
return DateTime.parse(string);
} catch (e) {
return null;

SanitizeRule ToDate() => SanitizeRule(
constraints: [], sanitize: (value, arguments) => toDate(value));
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