0 purchases
bitcoin base i
Bitcoin Dart Package #
This is a fork of mrtnetwork/bitcoin_base that supports Dart 2.
A comprehensive Bitcoin library for Dart that provides functionality to create, sign, and send Bitcoin transactions. This library supports a wide range of Bitcoin transaction types and features, making it suitable for various use cases.
This package was inspired by the python-bitcoin-utils package and turned into Dart
Features #
Create and sign Bitcoin transactions
Legacy Keys and Addresses (P2PK, P2PKH, P2SH)
Segwit Addresses (P2WPKH, P2SH-P2WPKH, P2WSH and P2SH-P2WSH, Taproot (segwit v1))
Support for different transaction types:
Legacy transactions (P2PKH, P2SH(P2PK), P2SH(P2PKH) )
Transaction with P2PKH input and outputs
Create a P2PKH Transaction with different SIGHASHes
Create a P2SH Address
Create (spent) a P2SH Transaction
Segwit Transactions
Transaction to pay to a P2WPKH, P2WSH, P2SH(segwit)
Spend from a P2SH(P2WPKH) nested segwit address
Spend from a P2SH(P2WSH) nested segwit address
Timelock Transactions
Create a P2SH address with a relative timelock
Spend from a timelocked address
Taproot (segwit v1) Transactions
Spend from a taproot address
Spend a multi input that contains both taproot and legacy UTXOs
Send to taproot address that contains a single script path spend
Spend taproot from key path (has single alternative script path spend)
Spend taproot from script path (has single alternative script path spend)
Send to taproot address that contains two scripts path spends
Send to taproot address that contains three scripts path spends
sign message
sign transactions
Schnorr sign (segwit transactions)
support different sighash
get public key of signature
Example #
A large number of examples and tests have been prepared you can see them in the test folder
Finalizing the transaction with 15 different input types (spend: p2sh, p2wsh, p2wpkh, p2tr, p2sh, p2shInP2wsh, p2shInP2wpkh, p2shInP2pk, p2shInP2pkh, P2wsh(4-4 multi-sig), P2sh(4-7 multi-sig), and etc...) and 15 different output types within a single transaction. mempol
Keys and addresses
final mn = BIP39.generateMnemonic();
/// accsess to private and public keys
final masterWallet = HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mn);
/// sign legacy and segwit transaction
/// sign taproot transaction
/// sign message
/// tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdEtasyf3Qc1vAycp7pVSf6oAcnN4XAeYuntXsUargabb3Rcdo78YKzAxARfVLah4nfkUfYDrWodRWA9YEstwSrV5ZNvApvt
masterWallet.toXpriveKey(network: NetworkInfo.TESTNET);
/// accsess to publicKey
/// tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4WhvNmdKdp1g2k18kH9gMEQPwuJQMwSSwkH9JVsQSs5DTDZKeJTiTvLinuTwdL4zf6CJAWE79VwhxHn9tDcq33Xj7BgLKZEH
final xPublic = masterWallet.toXpublicKey(network: NetworkInfo.TESTNET);
final publicMasterWallet = HdWallet.fromXpublicKey(xPublic);
/// derive new path from master wallet
HdWallet.drivePath(masterWallet, "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0/0");
/// derive new path from public wallet
final publicWallet = HdWallet.drivePath(publicMasterWallet, "m/0/1");
final publicKey = publicWallet.publicKey;
/// return public key
publicKey.toHex(compressed: true);
/// p2pkh address for testnet network
/// mxukNgWdBF1ibtpCpnNnPR5Zz2FPjvyuCf
/// p2sh(p2pk) address for testnet network
/// p2sh(p2pkh) address for testnet network
/// 2MyaJKV4g1R5pWA4LC16pqVqDFtGrn134nP
/// p2sh(p2wpkh) address for testnet network
/// 2MygAmhWqypY13t8khDM3BtqS9TgHFiSPSi
/// p2sh(p2wsh) address for testnet network 1-1 multisig segwit script
/// 2N4hx9SvmENd8DCmbfAVgXUe3ddtadwxW4z
/// p2wpkh address
/// tb1qhmyuz38dy22qlspdnwl6khsycvjpeallzwwcp7
/// p2wsh address 1-1 multisig segwit script
/// tb1qax8ahkqhm2cvappkdqupjp7w07ervya3rllpechnez6j7hzu7hqq963clk
/// p2tr address
/// tb1p6hwljzyudccfd3d9ckrh5wqmx786kenmu0caud0ru6e3k2yc5rdq76sw7y
copied to clipboard
spend P2PK/P2PKH
final txin = utxo.map((e) => TxInput(txId: e.txId, txIndex: e.vout)).toList(); // p2pk UTXO
final List<TxOutput> txOut = [
amount: value,
scriptPubKey: Script(script: receiver.toScriptPubKey()))
if (hasChanged) {
amount: changedValue,
scriptPubKey: Script(script: senderAddress.toScriptPubKey())));
final tx = BtcTransaction(inputs: txin, outputs: txOut);
for (int i = 0; i < txin.length; i++) {
final sc = senderPub.toRedeemScript();
final txDigit =
tx.getTransactionDigit(txInIndex: i, script: sc, sighash: sighash);
final signedTx = prive.signInput(txDigit, sighash);
txin[i].scriptSig = Script(script: [signedTx]);
tx.serialize(); // ready for broadcast
copied to clipboard
spend P2PKH/P2WKH
final txin = utxo.map((e) => TxInput(txId: e.txId, txIndex: e.vout)).toList(); // P2PKH UTXO
final List<TxOutput> txOut = [
amount: value,
scriptPubKey: Script(script: receiver.toScriptPubKey()))
if (hasChanged) {
final senderAddress = senderPub.toAddress();
amount: changedValue,
scriptPubKey: Script(script: senderAddress.toScriptPubKey()))); // changed address
final tx = BtcTransaction(inputs: txin, outputs: txOut, hasSegwit: false);
for (int b = 0; b < txin.length; b++) {
final txDigit = tx.getTransactionDigit(
txInIndex: b,
script: Script(script: senderPub.toAddress().toScriptPubKey()),
sighash: sighash);
final signedTx = sign(txDigit, sigHash: sighash);
txin[b].scriptSig = Script(script: [signedTx, senderPub.toHex()]);
tx.serialize(); // ready for broadcast
copied to clipboard
spend P2WKH/P2SH
final txin = utxo.map((e) => TxInput(txId: e.txId, txIndex: e.vout)).toList(); // p2wkh utxo
final List<TxWitnessInput> w = [];
final List<TxOutput> txOut = [
amount: value,
scriptPubKey: receiver.toRedeemScript().toP2shScriptPubKey())
if (hasChanged) {
amount: changedValue,
Script(script: senderPub.toSegwitAddress().toScriptPubKey()))); // changed address
final tx = BtcTransaction(inputs: txin, outputs: txOut, hasSegwit: true);
for (int i = 0; i < txin.length; i++) {
// get segwit transaction digest
final txDigit = tx.getTransactionSegwitDigit(
txInIndex: i,
script: Script(script: senderPub.toAddress().toScriptPubKey()),
sighash: sighash,
amount: utxo[i].value);
final signedTx = sign(txDigit,sighas);
w.add(TxWitnessInput(stack: [signedTx, senderPub.toHex()]));
tx.serialize(); // ready for broadcast
copied to clipboard
Contributing #
Contributions are welcome! Please follow these guidelines:
Fork the repository and create a new branch.
Make your changes and ensure tests pass.
Submit a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.
Feature requests and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs in the issue tracker.
Support #
If you find this repository useful, show us some love, and give us a star!
Small Bitcoin donations to the following address are also welcome:
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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