bootstrap-budget 0.1.7

Creator: bradpython12

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bootstrapbudget 0.1.7

Bootstrap-Budget: Pull your budget up by its bootstraps!
Bootstrap Budget is a user-friendly financial application designed to help you manage your money and achieve your financial goals. Built with simplicity and self-reliance in mind, Bootstrap Budget allows you to track income, expenses, and budgets for a streamlined personal finance experience – all hosted on your own server.
Getting Started

Python 3.x (


Create a Python Virtual Environment:
It's recommended to install Bootstrap Budget within a virtual environment to isolate its dependencies from other Python projects on your system. You can use tools like venv or virtualenv to create one. Refer to the official Python documentation for instructions on creating virtual environments:

Install Bootstrap Budget:
Activate your virtual environment and install Bootstrap Budget using pip:
pip install bootstrap-budget

Initial Setup:
The Bootstrap Budget package comes with a command-line tool for initial setup. Run the following command to configure the application:
bootstrap --setup

This will guide you through creating an admin password and setting up the data model for your application.

Start the Server:
Once the setup is complete, start the Bootstrap Budget server using Flask:
flask --app bootstrap_budget run

This will launch the development server. By default, the application will be accessible on in your web browser.

:raised_hand: Please note: This is a basic installation guide for development purposes. For production use on your server, additional configuration may be required (e.g., web server setup).


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