
Creator: coderz1093

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bpmf py

bmpf_py A bopomofo and pinyin library #
Features #

It handles parsing of Bopomofo (注音符號) and Hanyu Pinyin (漢語拼音), two of the most popular phonetic notations of modern standard Mandarin;
It supports parsing of Pinyin written with tone mark diacritics.
It recognizes ascii pinyin in which tones are represented with trailing numbers and the letter 'v' is used as the replacement of the less accessible 'ü';
It supports mutual conversion between Bopomofo and Pinyin;
It supports mutual conversion between the ascii pinyin and the standard form, which is toned with marks;
It's lightweight and efficient both cpu- and memory-wise'
It stands alone having no dependency;
It's thoroughly tested;
It's easy to use. It consists of only a single class, provided with simple and intuitive properties and methods.
It only handles pinyin in lower case;

bmpf_py 專注注音拼音處理 #
特點 #

支持非標準 ASCII 拼音(以 v 代 ü,以數字標調)
實現注音、拼音、ASCII 拼音兩兩相互轉換
簡潔易用。只包括一個class,並配備直觀應手的 props 和 methods

Usage · 用法 #
import 'package:bpmf_py/bpmf_py.dart';
import 'package:bpmf_py/bpmf_codes.dart';

void main() {
//You can create a mandarin syllable directly with the contructor.

const shuai4 = BpmfSyllable($sh, $u, $ai, 4);

print(shuai4); //outputs: ㄕㄨㄞˋ

// `$sh, $u, $ai` are just integer charCode, cuz dart doesn't have a char type
// we have to use integers, bpmf_codes defined the full set of characters used
// by bopomofo and pinyin:
// lower case ones represent bopomofo symbols - eg. $eng for 'ㄥ'
// upper case ones represent vanilla latin letters - eg. $Z for 'z'
// $1 - $5 are bopomofo tonemarks

var txt = '\t ㄎㄨㄟˋ ㄖㄣˊ';
//Parse bopomofo
var (syl, pos) = BpmfSyllable.parseBopomofo('\t ㄎㄨㄟˋ ㄖㄣˊ');
//It skips spaces and returns the first recognized syllable and the
//new position of the letter immediately after the syllable

print(syl); //outputs: 'ㄎㄨㄟˋ'

//Continue to parse the next syllable
(syl, pos) = BpmfSyllable.parseBopomofo(txt, pos: pos);
print(syl); //outputs: 'ㄖㄣˊ'

//If you don't care about the continuous parsing you can simply use the factory
//method, ignore the position.
syl = BpmfSyllable.fromBopomofo(txt);
print("'$syl' again!"); //outputs: 'ㄎㄨㄟˋ' again!

//parsing pinyin and ascii pinyin are similar:
txt = 'ráo';
syl = BpmfSyllable.fromPinyin(txt);
print(syl.pinyin); //outputs:'ráo'

txt = 'lve4';
syl = BpmfSyllable.fromAsciiPinyin(txt);
print(syl.pinyin); //outputs:'lüè'

//try BpmfSyllable.parsePinyin and BpmfSyllable.parseAsciiPinyin yourself!

//The syllable object is equatable and comparable
syl = BpmfSyllable($r, $u, $ang, 3); // a fabricated sound
final syl2 = BpmfSyllable.fromAsciiPinyin('ruang3');
assert(syl == syl2);

final syllables = ['zhuan4', 'an3', 'an1', 'bo2', 'qi3']
syllables.sort((a, b) => a.compareTo(b));
syllables.map((x) => x.asciiPinyin)); //out: (bo2, qi3, zhuan4, an1, an3)
//The order conforms to the order of bopomofo: b p ... i u ü

//For you convenience the following helper functions are also provided:
print(pinyinToAsciiPinyin('ráo')); //outputs: rao2
print(asciiPinyinToPinyin('rao2')); //outputs: ráo
print(bopomofoToPinyin('ㄑㄩㄥ')); //outputs: 'qiōng'
print(pinyinToBopomofo('qiōng')); //outputs: 'ㄑㄩㄥ
print(asciiPinyinToBopomofo('qiong1')); //outputs: 'ㄑㄩㄥ
print(bopomofoToAsciiPinyin('ㄑㄩㄥ')); //outputs: 'qiong1

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