
Creator: coderz1093

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build and send

Build and Send #
A Dart package for building artifacts, upload and sending them.
Features #

Build APK and app bundles
Upload to Google Cloud Storage
Build iOS IPA
Upload IPA to TestFlight
Send notifications to Discord

Installation #
Add build_and_send to your pubspec.yaml in the dev_dependencies section.:
build_and_send: any
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Usage #
in your project folder, same where configuration files are, run the following command in terminal:
dart run build_and_send
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Options #

-p, --platform : Platform to build. Can be either android, ios or all. Default is all.
-f, --flavor : Flavor to build.
-s, --silent : Silent mode. Won't send any notification to discord even if configured.
-m, --mention: Mention specific users in discord when sending notification. Provide comma separated names. If not provided, all users configured will be mentioned. see build_config.yaml, example for mentionUsers [command -m user1,user2], in .yaml file mentionUsers: user1:1234567890,user2:0987654321.
-n, --no-mention: Don't mention any user in discord when sending notification. If not provided, all users configured will be mentioned.
--no-pod-sync': If you are having some issues with ios build, you can try manually sync pod files. This flag will skip pod install step.
--only-upload : If you want to upload only, you can use this flag. Generaly if want to upload a previous build.
-v, --verbose : Verbose mode. Will print more information.
-h, --help : Display help information.

Configuration #
Create a build_config.yaml. This file contains the configuration for the build and send process.
Example #
#fvm, shorebird, default
method: default
#optional, if you need to pass any arguments to build command, like using a specific -t target, or shorebird configuration
# like --flutter-version or any other stuff
build_args: null
apk_path: null
bundle_path: null
#if cloud not given will only build
bucket: gcloud-bucket
app_id: app-id
#optional, if you need to pass any arguments to build command, like using a specific -t target, or shorebird configuration like --flutter-version or any other stuff
#if not given will only build the ipa file, will search in build/ios/ipa
ipa_name: null
#by using a default if you call the package build function, will use the according flavor, the value must be a valid flavor name
default_build: null
#fvm, shorebird, default
method: default
#to pass flavor flags and all stuffs, dont need to pass --flavor dev because its implicit
build_args: -t lib/main_dev.dart
#required generaly flavors change build file name
apk_path: null
#generaly flavors change build file name
bundle_path: null
#if you want to use custom email put in build.env archive DEV_ANDROID_EMAIL, this email must to have access to this gcloud
#if cloud not given will only build
bucket: flavor1-bucket
app_id: flavor1-app-id

#to pass flavor flags and all stuffs, dont need to pass --flavor dev because its implicit
build_args: -t lib/main_dev.dart
#if not given will only build the ipa file, will search in build/ios/ipa
ipa_name: null
#optional, if given will send a message with android uploaded link
#optional, will tag the channel in the message
mention_users: user1:123456789012345678,user2:987654321098765432
#default true
show_version: true
#default true
show_flavor: true
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Create a build.env file in the root of your project #
Remember to add the build.env file to your .gitignore to prevent sensitive information from being committed to your repository.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
#remove if you dont want to use discord
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IOS Configuration #
[email protected] is the email that will be used to deploy the app to TestFlight.
IOS_APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD=your_app_specific_password is the app specific password that will be used to deploy the app to TestFlight. Can be set in, "Specific App Passwords" section.
Contributing #
Any suggestions, issues, pull requests are welcomed.
License #
Credits #



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