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calculate apy
calculate_apy #
Using CalculateAPY class to calculate APY (Annual Percentage Yield) #
Annual percentage yield is a normalized representation of an interest rate, #
based on a compounding period of one year. APY figures allow a reasonable, single-point comparison of different offerings with varying compounding schedules. #
We have 2 ways to calculate APY #
The first with Compound. You can use these below methods #
1. CalculateAPY.calculateAPYInDaysWithCompound(double moneySaving, double interestRate, int dayNumber) #
You can calculate APY in DAYs with Compound by this function. #
moneySaving is the origin money you deposit #
interestRate as the APY #
dayNumber is the number of day you will deposit #
E.g. You will deposit 2000$ in 14 days with 10% interest APY #
moneySaving = 2000$ #
interestRate = 10% #
dayNumber = 14 #
2. CalculateAPY.calculateAPYInMonthWithCompound(double moneySaving, double interestRate, int monthNumber) #
Like the 1 function you can calculate APY in MONTHs with Compound by this function. #
And the other without Compound. You can use these below methods #
3. CalculateAPY.calculateAPYPerYear(double moneySaving, double interestRate) #
Like the 1 function you can calculate APY per YEAR without Compound by this function. #
4. CalculateAPY.calculateAPYPerMonth(double moneySaving, double interestRate) #
Like the 1 function you can calculate APY per MONTH without Compound by this function. #
5. CalculateAPY.calculateAPYPerDay(double moneySaving, double interestRate) #
Like the 1 function you can calculate APY per DAY without Compound by this function. #
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