clingexplaid 1.0.14

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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clingexplaid 1.0.14

Tools to aid the development of explanation systems using clingo
Clingo-Explaid easily be installed with pip:
pip install clingexplaid


python >= 3.9
clingo >= 5.7.1

Building from Source
Please refer to DEVELOPEMENT
Run the following for basic usage information:
clingexplaid -h

Interactive Mode
We provide an interactive terminal user interface (textual) where all modes are
accessible in an interactive format. You can start this mode by using the
command below.
clingexplaid <files> --interactive

Example: MUS Sudoku
Below is one Example call using our Sudoku Example.
clingexplaid examples/sudoku/encoding.lp examples/sudoku/instance.lp --interactive

Example: Show Decisions
This Example shows the interactive Solver Decision Tree generated from

Clingo Application Class
The clingexplaid CLI (based on the clingo.Application class) extends clingo
with <method> and <options>.
clingexplaid <method> <options>

<method>: specifies which Clingexplaid method is used (Required)



Computes the Minimal Unsatisfiable Cores (MUCs) of the provided
unsatisfiable program


Computes the Unsatisfiable Constraints of the unsatisfiable program


Visualizes the decision process of clasp

<options>: Additional options for the different methods

For --muc:

-a, --assumption-signature: limits which facts of the current program
are converted to choices/assumptions for finding the MUCs (Default: all
facts are converted)

For --show-decisions:

--decision-signature: limits which decisions are shown in the
visualization (Default: all atom's decisions are shown)

Given the simple program below simple.lp we want
to find the contained MUC (Minimal Unsatisfiable Core).

:- a(X), b(X).

For this we can call clingexplaid the following way:
clingexplaid examples/misc/simple.lp --muc 0

This converts all facts of the program to choices and assumptions and returns
the contained MUC from that.
b(5) a(5)

A selection of more examples can be found here


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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