clonebuildregister 0.0.7

Creator: codyrutscher

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clonebuildregister 0.0.7

Clones a repository, builds a docker image from that repository, and then pushes that image to google cloud artifact registry
To use clonebuildregister as a package:

>>> from clonebuildregister.clonebuildregister import clonebuildregister
>>> clonebuildregister("cbcunc", "timage", "develop", "testimage", "v1", "timage", "testimage", "v1", "us-east1", "bimage-project", "bimage-repository")

To use clonebuildregister as a script:

github_org repo_name branch_or_tag local_image_name local_image_tag path_to_dockerfile target_image_name target_image_tag region
gcloudProjectId repositoryName

positional arguments:

The GitHub organization of the repository

The name of the repository in the organization

The branch or tag of the repository

The name of the image we create locally from the Dockerfile

The tag of the image we create locally from the Dockerfile (v1, 1.0.1, version2.0)

The path to the docker file from the repository we cloned, usually the name of the repository

The target image name, i.e. the name of the image we store in the google cloud artifact registry

The target image tag, i.e. the tag of the image we store in the google cloud artifact registry (v1, 1.0.1, version2.0)

Region the image will be stored in the google cloud (e.g. us-east1, us, eu)

The project id from which the image will be stored under in a google artifact registry

The name of the google cloud artifact registry that holds docker images


-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-v, --version
show program’s version number and exit

The path to a local environment file with secrets not to be seen on github (e.g usr/home/clonebuildregister/.env). Defaults to . (default: )

The path to the dummy environment files found on github (e.g usr/home/clonebuildregister/.env). Defaults to . (default: )

-p PLATFORM, --platform PLATFORM
The target platform of the image in the form of os[/arch[/variant]] (default: )

-cn CLONE_NAME, –clone_name CLONE_NAME
The name of the top level folder of the github repository will be named after cloning. (default: )

Boolean that tells the program to delete the github repository that it clones after it registers it to the google cloud AR (default: False)


Boolean that tells the program to delete all docker images on the local system after the program puts the image on the google cloud artifact registry. Deletes using force. Similar to running this dockerrmi−f(docker images -aq) (default: False)

$ python -m clonebuildregister cbcunc timage develop testimage v1 timage testimage v1 us-east1 bimage-project bimage-repository

Use modules of clonebuildregister

Use the module buildImage:
>>> from clonebuildregister.buildImage import buildImage
>>> image = buildImage("testimage:v1","") # if Dockerfile in current directory, use 2nd argument as target directory

Use the module cloneRepo:
>>> from clonebuildregister.cloneRepo import cloneRepo
>>> cloneRepo("cbcunc", "timage", "develop") # github_org, repo_name, branch_or_tag

Use the module cloneRepo with environment variable copy:
>>> from clonebuildregister.cloneRepo import cloneRepo
>>> cloneRepo("cbcunc", "timage", "develop", "path_to_secrets", "path_in_repo_to_env_file") # github_org, repo_name, branch_or_tag

Use the module registerImage:
>>> # don't forget to authenticate to gcloud within your shell before trying this command
>>> from clonebuildregister.registerImage import registerImage
>>> response = registerImage("testimage", "v2", "test-image-out", "v1", "us-east1", "bimage-project", "bimage-repository")

How to configure clonebuildregister with gcloud as a developer

Create an account with Google Cloud at
Create a new project called bimage-project
Go to the google cloud artifact registry and create a repository called bimage-repository ensure the repository zone is us-east1
From there goto the terminal where you cloned bimage and ensure you have the gcloud CLI installed
Make sure add to path and run $ gcloud init, ensuring you choose bimage-project
Also ensure to run $ gcloud auth login, if needed
Make sure cat /.docker/config.jsoncontainsus−east1.Ifnotrun gcloud auth configure-docker to add it.
The test cases should now work assuming you also have docker running in the background and have already run $ python develop

Install Python dependencies

Navigate to clonebuildregister top-level folder
Create a python environment so that your default environment doesn’t get cluttered
Install dependencies using $ pip install . (doesn’t include pytest or tox, see “Run Tests section for that”)
Ensure you have Docker installed.

Run Tests

Navigate to clonebuildregister top-level folder
Ensure you have google cloud, docker, and the required dependencies.
Make sure clonebuildregister/test/ has the correct values for the setup you have.
$ pip install -e ‘.[dev]’
Run $ pytest to run test in local environment
Run $ tox to run test for python environments 3.8, 3.9. 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12. Along with linting, type checking, and style checking
Run $ tox -e style to just do style checking
$ tox -e lint for just linting.
$ tox -e type for just type checking


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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