database-cubic-hecke 2022.4.4

Creator: bradpython12

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databasecubichecke 2022.4.4

Database Cubic Hecke Algebras
This repository contains data for the representations of the
Cubic Hecke Algebra calculated by Ivan Marin.
The original data of Ivan Marin are published in a format which
can be read by Maple.
The purpose of this repository is, to make them available in
a Python like style such that they can be easily installed into
SageMath using pip.
This repository was created as a part of the SageMath
functionality for the cubic Hecke algebras (see Trac ticket
In addition to Ivan Marin's data it contains coefficients for linear forms
on the cubic Hecke algebras on up to four strands satisfying the Markov
trace condition (see for example
Louis Kauffman: Knots and Physics, sections 7.1 and 7.2).
This data has been precomputed with the SageMath functionality
introduced by the above mentioned ticket
(see Python module
In Python, it can be used as follows:
>>> from database_cubic_hecke import read_basis
>>> b4 = read_basis()
>>> len(b4)
>>> b2 = read_basis(num_strands=2); b2
[[], [1], [-1]]
>>> b3 = read_basis(num_strands=3)
>>> len(b3)

>>> from database_cubic_hecke import read_irr
>>> dim_list, repr_list, repr_list_inv = read_irr()
>>> dim_list
[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9]
>>> repr_list[5][1]
{(0, 0): c, (0, 1): -1, (1, 1): a}
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> j = (sqrt(3)*1j-1)/2
>>> dim_list, repr_list, repr_list_inv = read_irr((5, 7, 3, j))
>>> repr_list[23][0][(3, 8)]

>>> from database_cubic_hecke import read_reg
>>> dim_list, repr_list, repr_list_inv = read_reg()
>>> dim_list
>>> [len(m) for m in repr_list[0]]
[1080, 1701, 7862]
>>> [len(m) for m in repr_list_inv[0]]
[1080, 1728, 9370]
>>> dim_list, repr_list, repr_list_inv = read_reg(num_strands=3)
>>> dim_list
>>> [len(m) for m in repr_list[0]]
[40, 63]

>>> from database_cubic_hecke.markov_trace_coeffs import read_markov
>>> read_markov('U2', (3,5,7,11), num_strands=3)
[0, 11, 0.09090909090909091, 11, 0.09090909090909091, 0, 0, 0, 0, -55, 11, 11,
-4.714285714285714, -0.45454545454545453, 0.09090909090909091, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0.09090909090909091, -0.03896103896103896, -0.45454545454545453, 0, 0]

If you have SymPy installed you can obtain
representation matrices directly:
>>> from database_cubic_hecke import irr_reprs_matrices
>>> m1, m2, m3 = irr_reprs_matrices(5)
>>> m1i, m2i, m3i = irr_reprs_matrices(5, inverse=True)
>>> m1 * m1i
[1, 0],
[0, 1]])
>>> m1*m2*m1 == m2*m1*m2
>>> m1i*m2i*m1i == m2i*m1i*m2i

>>> from database_cubic_hecke import reg_reprs_matrices
>>> m1, m2, m3 = reg_reprs_matrices()
>>> m1.shape
(648, 648)
>>> m1i, m2i = reg_reprs_matrices(inverse=True, num_strands=3)
>>> m1i.shape
(24, 24)
>>> m1i*m2i*m1i == m2i*m1i*m2i

>>> from database_cubic_hecke.markov_trace_coeffs import read_markov
>>> from sympy import var
>>> u, v, w, s = var('u, v, w, s')
>>> variables = (u, v, w, s)
>>> read_markov('U2', variables, num_strands=3)
[0, s, 1/s, s, 1/s, 0, 0, 0, 0, -s*v, s, s, -s*u/w, -v/s, 1/s,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1/s, -u/(s*w), -v/s, 0, 0]

The usage in Sage will be implicitely via the new class CubicHeckeAlgebra according to
the Trac ticket #29717. But anyway, it can also
be used indenpendently, for example:
sage: from database_cubic_hecke import read_irr
sage: F = CyclotomicField(3)
sage: L.<a, b, c> = LaurentPolynomialRing(F)
sage: T = L.gens_dict_recursive()
sage: T['j'] = T['zeta3']
sage: T.pop('zeta3')
sage: irr = read_irr(tuple(T.values()))
sage: dim_list, repr_list, repr_list_inv= irr
sage: m1d, m2d , m3d = repr_list[23]
sage: d = dim_list[23]
sage: m1 = matrix(d, d, m1d)
sage: m2 = matrix(d, d, m2d)
sage: m3 = matrix(d, d, m3d)
sage: m1
[ c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[ b^2 + a*c b 0 0 0 0 (-zeta3)*b*c 0 0]
[ b 1 a 0 0 0 c 0 0]
[ 0 0 0 a 0 0 -c (-zeta3 - 1)*c a + zeta3*b]
[ zeta3*a - b 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0]
[ zeta3*a 0 0 0 b a 0 0 0]
[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0]
[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0]
[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 zeta3*c b]

sage: m1*m2*m1 == m2*m1*m2
sage: m3*m2*m3 == m2*m3*m2
sage: m3*m1 == m1*m3

sage: from database_cubic_hecke import read_reg
sage: R.<u, v, w> = ZZ[]
sage: B = R.localization(w)
sage: T = B.gens_dict_recursive()
sage: reg = read_reg(tuple(T.values()))
sage: dim_list, repr_list, repr_list_inv= reg
sage: m1d, m2d , m3d = repr_list[0]
sage: d = dim_list[0]
sage: m1 = matrix(d, d, m1d)
sage: m2 = matrix(d, d, m2d)
sage: m3 = matrix(d, d, m3d)
sage: m1
648 x 648 sparse matrix over Multivariate Polynomial Ring in u, v, w over Integer Ring localized at (w,) (use the '.str()' method to see the entries)

sage: m1*m2*m1 == m2*m1*m2
sage: m3*m2*m3 == m2*m3*m2
sage: m3*m1 == m1*m3

To build a new release, the files containing the data in Python syntax can be
upgraded with the create_marin_data script. There is a
to run this script and build a new release if differences are detected. It can
be triggered manually.
pip install database_cubic_hecke

pip install database_cubic_hecke==2022.3.5

if you want to install a former version.
After release of the above mentioned Trac ticket, the database can be installed in Sage by:
sage -i database_cubic_hecke

This will contain integration with the cubic Hecke algebra functionality of Sage.
Before, or to use it independent on the new Sage functionality the installation
works as follows:
sage -pip install database_cubic_hecke

sage -pip install database_cubic_hecke==2022.3.5

for a special version.

Version numbers are automatically generated on a manually triggered workflow
Check version changed if differences to the original databases are detected.
They follow the scheme
with respect to the date the workflow is triggered.
If you note a divergence between this repository and the original data in case
the current release is older than a month please create an issue about that.
Many thanks to Ivan Marin to make his data available for their use in Sage.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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