dataclasses-struct 0.8.2

Creator: bradpython12

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dataclassesstruct 0.8.2


A simple Python package that combines
dataclasses with
struct for packing and
unpacking Python dataclasses to fixed-length bytes representations.
from typing import Annotated # use typing_extensions on Python <3.9
import dataclasses_struct as dcs

class Test:
x: int # or dcs.I64, i.e., a signed 64-bit integer
y: float # or dcs.F64, i.e., a double-precision (64-bit) floating point
z: dcs.U8 # unsigned 8-bit integer
s: Annotated[bytes, 10] # fixed-length byte array of length 10

class Container:
test1: Test
test2: Test

>>> dcs.is_dataclass_struct(Test)
>>> t1 = Test(100, -0.25, 0xff, b'12345')
>>> dcs.is_dataclass_struct(t1)
>>> t1
Test(x=100, y=-0.25, z=255, s=b'12345')
>>> packed = t1.pack()
>>> packed
>>> Test.from_packed(packed)
Test(x=100, y=-0.25, z=255, s=b'12345\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
>>> t2 = Test(1, 100, 12, b'hello, world')
>>> c = Container(t1, t2)
>>> Container.from_packed(c.pack())
Container(test1=Test(x=100, y=-0.25, z=255, s=b'12345\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'), test2=Test(x=1, y=100.0, z=12, s=b'hello, wor'))

This package is available on pypi:
pip install dataclasses-struct

To work correctly with mypy, an extension is
required; add to your mypy.ini:
plugins = dataclasses_struct.ext.mypy_plugin

from typing import Annotated # use typing_extensions on Python <3.9
import dataclasses_struct as dcs

endians = (
dcs.NATIVE_ENDIAN_ALIGNED, # uses system endianness and alignment
dcs.NATIVE_ENDIAN, # system endianness, packed representation

@dcs.dataclass(endians[0]) # if no endian provided, defaults to NATIVE_ENDIAN_ALIGNED
class Test:

# Single char type (must be bytes)
single_char: dcs.Char
single_char_alias: bytes # alias for Char

# Boolean
bool_1: dcs.Bool
bool_2: bool # alias for Bool

# Iegers
int8: dcs.I8
uint8: dcs.U8
int16: dcs.I16
uint16: dcs.U16
int32: dcs.I32
uint32: dcs.U32
uint64: dcs.U64
int64: dcs.I64
int64_alias: int # alias for I64

# Only supported with NATIVE_ENDIAN_ALIGNED
unsigned_size: dcs.Size
signed_size: dcs.SSize
pointer: dcs.Pointer

# Floating point types
single_precision: dcs.F32 # equivalent to float in C
double_precision: dcs.F64 # equivalent to double in C
double_precision_alias: float # alias for F64

# Byte arrays: values shorter than size will be padded with b'\x00'
array: Annotated[bytes, 100] # an array of length 100

# Pad bytes can be added before and after fields: a b'\x00' will be
# inserted for each pad byte.
pad_before: Annotated[int, dcs.PadBefore(4)]
pad_after: Annotated[int, dcs.PadAfter(2)]
pad_before_and_after: Annotated[int, dcs.PadBefore(3), dcs.PadAfter(2)]

# Also supports nesting dataclass-structs
@dcs.dataclass(endians[0]) # endianness of contained classes must match
class Container:
contained1: Test

# supports PadBefore and PadAfter as well:
contained2: Annotated[Test, dcs.PadBefore(10)]

Decorated classes are transformed to a standard Python
dataclass with boilerplate
__init__, __repr__, __eq__ etc. auto-generated. Additionally, two methods
are added to the class: pack, a method for packing an instance of the class to
bytes, and from_packed, a class method that returns a new instance of the
class from its packed bytes representation.
A class or object can be check to see if it is a dataclass-struct using the
is_dataclass_struct function. The get_struct_size function will return
the size in bytes of the packed representation of a dataclass_struct class
or an instance of one.
An additional class attribute, __dataclass_struct__. The struct format
string, packed
size, and endianness can be accessed like so:
>>> Test.__dataclass_struct__.format
>>> Test.__dataclass_struct__.size
>>> Test.__dataclass_struct__.endianness

Default attribute values will be validated against their expected type and
allowable value range. For example,
import dataclasses_struct as dcs

class Test:
x: dcs.U8 = -1

will raise a ValueError. This can be disabled by passing validate=False to
the dataclasses_struct.dataclass decorator.
Development and contributing
Pull requests are welcomed!
This project uses Poetry as its build system. To
install all dependencies (including development dependencies) into a virtualenv
for local development:
poetry install --with dev

Uses pytest for testing:
poetry run pytest

(Omit the poetry run if the Poetry virtualenv is activated.)
Uses ruff and flake8 for linting, which is enforced on pull requests:
poetry run ruff check .
poetry run flake8

See pyproject.toml for the list of enabled checks. I recommend installing the
provided pre-commmit hooks to ensure new commits
pass linting:
pre-commit install

This will help speed-up pull requests by reducing the chance of failing CI
PRs must also pass mypy checks (poetry run mypy).


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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