datacoco-cloud 0.1.19

Creator: coderz1093

Last updated:

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datacococloud 0.1.19

Datacoco-cloud contains interaction classes S3, Athena, SES, SNS, SQS, ECS, EMR, Cloudwatch logs

datacoco-cloud requires Python 3.6+
python3 -m venv <virtual env name>
source <virtual env name>/bin/activate
pip install datacoco-cloud

Please take note that all AWS Permissions in IAM and Bucket Policies need to be properly in place for this utility to work.
Click here for more details.

Sample Code
# Import the class first
from datacococloud.s3_to_s3_interaction import S3toS3Interaction

# Instantiate with your key pairs
s3toS3 = S3toS3Interaction(<source_aws_key>,
<source_aws_region>(optional default='us-east-1'),
<target_aws_region>(optional default='us-east-1')

# Copying the files
<source_bucket_suffix>(optional default=''))

# Moving the files
# This deletes the file from the source after copying to the target
<source_bucket_suffix>(optional default=''))


source_aws_key - AWS key ID from source account
source_aws_secret - AWS key secret from source account
target_aws_key - AWS key ID from target account
target_aws_secret - AWS key secret from target account
source_aws_region - AWS region of the source S3 bucket
target_aws_region - AWS region of the source S3 bucket
source_bucket - S3 bucket of the source file
target_bucket - S3 bucket where the files are going to be transferred

source_bucket_prefix - The prefix of the files to transfer from the source
Note: Add / at the end to specify a folder e.g (files/)

target_path - the Path at the target bucket where the files will be transferred
Note: if the the folder does not exist, it will auto create it for you

source_bucket_prefix - The suffix of the files to transfer from the source

python3 -m venv <virtual env name>
source <virtual env name>/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt


Getting Started
It is recommended to use the steps below to set up a virtual environment for development:
python3 -m venv <virtual env name>
source <virtual env name>/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
To run the testing suite, simply run the command: tox or python -m unittest discover tests

Contributions to datacoco_cloud are welcome!
Please reference guidelines to help with setting up your development


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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