datacoco-core 0.1.1

Creator: coderz1093

Last updated:

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datacococore 0.1.1

Equinox Common Code Utility for Python 3 with minimal dependencies and
easy installation!
Includes utilities for logging and config files

To install the latest version, use pip:
pip install datacoco-core

The logging module is a lightwight wrapper around the default logging
module. Basic usage:
from datacoco_core import Logger
l = Logger()
l.l("Your important log message here')
By default the log message will be saved in a logs dir of the project
root, in a file named by python module and date. For example:
cat logs/
2019-08-27 13:57:36,471 Your important message here
Optionally, parameters logname and project_name can be passed on
class instantiation to customize the logfile name, and logfile path

The config module is a lightweight wrapper around the configparser
module. It converts INI files to a dictionary object. By default, the
Config class will look for a file named in etl.cfg in the project
Example INI config file:
This credential can be accessed by the following example code:
from datacoco_core.config import config
c = config()
Note: The config class assumes base64 hashing for any key named pwd or
password. (See below)

Password Encryption
The coco config class uses base64 encryption. Any option named pwd or
password will be assumed base 64 encrypted. To derive the encrypted
password for your config, launch python shell and run the following
>>> import base64
>>> print base64.b64encode("password")
In python3 if you get the error
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' do this.
>>> import base64
>>> print(base64.b64encode(b'password'))


Getting Started
It is recommended to use the steps below to set up a virtual environment
for development:
python3 -m venv <virtual env name>
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install datacoco-core

To run the testing suite, simply run the command: tox


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