datamart-geo 0.3.1

Creator: coderz1093

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datamartgeo 0.3.1

This package contains geospatial data and associated facilities to resolve administrative areas.
To use the fuzzy-search capabilities (GeoData.resolve_name_fuzzy()), you will need to install datamart-geo[fuzzy].
Example usage:
>>> geo_data = # Download data if needed

>>> france = geo_data.resolve_name('France')
>>> france
<datamart_geo.Area "Republic of France" (3017382) type=Type.ADMIN_0>
>>> france.latitude, france.longitude
(46.0, 2.0)
>>> france.bounds
(-61.797841, 55.854503, -21.370782, 51.087541)
>>> assert france.type == datamart_geo.Type.ADMIN_0
>>> assert france.type == datamart_geo.Type.COUNTRY

>>> cuers = geo_data.resolve_name('Cuers')
>>> cuers
<datamart_geo.Area "Cuers" (6451482) type=Type.ADMIN_4>
>>> cuers.latitude, cuers.longitude
(43.2375, 6.07083)
>>> cuers.get_parent_area()
<datamart_geo.Area "Arrondissement de Toulon" (2972326) type=Type.ADMIN_3>

>>> [
... # Show multiple results with their parent ADMIN_1
... (a, a.get_parent_area(datamart_geo.Type.ADMIN_1))
... for a in geo_data.resolve_name_all('Var')
... ]
[(<datamart_geo.Area "Var" (2970749) type=Type.ADMIN_2>,
<datamart_geo.Area "Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur" (2985244) type=Type.ADMIN_1>),
(<datamart_geo.Area "Vars" (6427887) type=Type.ADMIN_4>,
<datamart_geo.Area "Nouvelle-Aquitaine" (11071620) type=Type.ADMIN_1>),
(<datamart_geo.Area "Vars" (6442138) type=Type.ADMIN_4>,
<datamart_geo.Area "Bourgogne-Franche-Comté" (11071619) type=Type.ADMIN_1>)]
This package was built for Auctus, the dataset search engine from NYU, to resolve named areas during profiling.
See also:

The datamart-profiler library, used to profile datasets for search
Auctus, the dataset search engine from NYU
Our project on GitLab

Data license
If you are downloading data from the default location (using download() without a source parameter), that data is distributed under specific license terms:
Copyright 2021, New York University
This dataset is open data, made available under the Open Database License:
Includes data from GeoNames and sources, listed at
Includes map data from OpenStreetMap (r), copyright OpenStreetMap contributors and sources, listed at


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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