dayonetools 1.3.0

Creator: bradpython12

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dayonetools 1.3.0

# Day One toolsThis is a collection of scripts to collect data from various sources and storeit into the [Day One]( journaling application. Day Oneis a fantastic application so I'd like to put as much of the data about myhabits, Internet usage, goals, etc. into it as possible. Luckily, the formatfor Day One is simply XML in the form of OS X plists. This makes it very easyto import data into.## GoalsThis repository aims to be a single place for one-shot scripts to semi-automateexporting various data into the Day One XML format. The purpose is toprimarily support services without a web API and those that involve more manualsetup to export data, etc.## Install- User mode - pip install dayonetools- Development mode - Install package with the standard `pip` workflow: - git clone repositiory - cd into repository - pip install .Now you should have a top-level script called `dayonetools` to interact withall the individual services, etc.- Run `dayonetools -h` to ensure the install worked properly.## Usage- Run `dayonetools -h` for help- Run `dayonetools <service_name> -h` for help on an individual service - For example: `dayonetools idonethis -h`### Supported services- []( [nike fuel]( [habit list]( [sleep cycle]( [Timing]( (coming soon)- [Pedometer++]( ([itunes store]( How to contributeSee CONTRIBUTE file for contribution guidelines.### Differences from SloggerThis set of tools is very similar to the popular[slogger]( However, it differs in a fewways.1. [slogger]( is meant to be run automatically on a schedule via cron or any similar scheduling mechanism.2. [slogger]( primarily supports services that have a web API.3. [slogger]( is written in Ruby.The Day One tools collection of scripts is meant to fill the gap regardingunsupported services in Slogger. In addition, it's a different mindset in thatthese scripts could be automated but the services they import from are lesserused and possibly more difficult to export data from.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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