dbrownell-devtools-test2 0.1.4

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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dbrownelldevtoolstest2 0.1.4


Action Items Before Deploying this Code
The code in this directory has been automatically generated based on a cookiecutter template. Additional steps must be completed before this code can be deployed.
Please complete these steps and remove these instructions before deploying this code.
Gist to store dynamic build information
BugBug: Desc
Create the gist

Navigate to https://gist.github.com/
Create a file named README.md with the contents Gist used bu GitHub Action workflows to store and retrieve dynamic information (oftentimes used to create and display badges).
Click the Create secret gist button
Copy the gist id (this will be the hex string at the end of the url associated with the gist that was just created)

Save the gist id as a GitHub Actions Secret

Navigate to https://github.com/davidbrownell/dbrownell_devtools_test2/settings/secrets/actions
Click the New repository secret button in the Repository secrets section
Enter GIST_ID for Name
Copy the gist id for Secret
Click the Add secret button

Update GitHub Workflow Permissions

Navigate to https://github.com/davidbrownell/dbrownell_devtools_test2/settings/actions
In the section Workflow permissions...
Select Read and write permissions
Click the Save button

Update this file with your gist id

In this file, replace __YOUR_GIST_ID_HERE__ with the hex string copied above.

PyPi Token
BugBug: Desc
Create the PyPi Token

Navigate to https://pypi.org
Login or Create an account (if necessary)
Click the Account settings link
Click the Add API token button
For Token name, enter GitHub Publish Action (dbrownell_devtools_test2)
For Scope, select one of the following values:

Entire account (all projects) if the package has never been published before
Project: dbrownell-devtools-test2 if the package has been published before

Click the Create token button
Click the Copy token button

Save the token as a GitHub Actions Secret

Navigate to https://github.com/davidbrownell/dbrownell_devtools_test2/settings/secrets/actions
Click the New repository secret button in the Repository secrets section
Enter PYPI_TOKEN for Name
Copy the pypi token for Secret
Click the Add secret button

BugBug: Usage information here


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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