deadline-cloud-worker-agent 0.27.2

Creator: bradpython12

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deadlinecloudworkeragent 0.27.2

AWS Deadline Cloud Worker Agent

The AWS Deadline Cloud worker agent can be used to run a worker in an
AWS Deadline Cloud fleet. This includes managing the life-cycle of a worker and
its assigned work both in the service and on the worker's host.
Deadline Cloud schedules work as worker sessions which are an extension of
Open Description (OpenJD) sessions specific to AWS Deadline Cloud. The worker agent
initiates session actions, monitors them, and reports the status of running and completed session
actions to the service including progress, logs, process exit code, and indicates if the work was
canceled or interrupted.
The worker agent behavior follows the AWS Deadline Cloud worker API protocol that
specifies the expectation of how the service and workers behave and collaborate through Deadline
Cloud's worker APIs.
For guidance on setting up the worker agent for use in a customer-managed fleet, see the
"Manage Deadline Cloud customer-managed fleets" topic in the AWS Deadline Cloud
User Guide
The worker agent requires Python 3.9 or higher. There are additional platform-specific requirements
listed below:

Amazon Linux 2 and 2023 are recommended and tested
sudo must be installed


Windows Server 2022 is recommended and tested
Requires CPython implementation of Python
Python must be installed for all users (e.g. in C:\Program Files)

MacOS is intended to be used for testing only and is subject to change.
This package's version follows Semantic Versioning 2.0, but is still
considered to be in its initial development, thus backwards incompatible versions are denoted by
minor version bumps. To help illustrate how versions will increment during this initial development
stage, they are described below:

The MAJOR version is currently 0, indicating initial development
The MINOR version is currently incremented when backwards incompatible changes are introduced to the public API.
The PATCH version is currently incremented when bug fixes or backwards compatible changes are introduced to the public API.

Installing program files
We recommend installing the agent in a Python virtual environment (e.g. using venv). For
this, run:
# Create venv
python -m venv /opt/deadline/worker

# Activate the virtual environment - you can later type "deactivate" to exit the environment
source /opt/deadline/worker/bin/activate

# Install worker agent program files into the virtual environment
pip install deadline-cloud-worker-agent

The worker agent runs as a Windows Service which leads to a few installation constraints:

Python virtual environments are not supported
Python must be installed for all users

To obtain the program files, run this command in an administrator command-prompt:
pip install deadline-cloud-worker-agent

Setup worker host
The worker host can be prepared to be run using the provided install-deadline-worker command. This
command performs certain functions to setup the worker host based on arguments provided. The
command performs all worker host setup activities, such as:

creates an operating system user account (specified by the --user argument) on the worker
host that the worker will run as. install-deadline-worker accepts a previously created user.
The user defaults to deadline-worker-agent on Linux and deadline-worker on Windows.
creates a job user group (specified by --group, defaults to deadline-job-users) if required. The
install-deadline-worker accepts an existing group.
creates cache, log, and config directories, and an example config file
[optionally] initializes the config file
modifies the config file using provided arguments
[optionally] install/update an operating system service

[optionally] start the operating system service

NOTE: The install-deadline-worker command does not support MacOS at this time.

To see the available command-line arguments, run:
On Linux:
Assuming you have installed the worker agent to a Python venv in /opt/deadline/worker, run:
/opt/deadline/worker/bin/install-deadline-worker --help

On Windows:
Run the following command in an administrator command-prompt:
install-deadline-worker --help

See configuration
See state
Setting up the worker host using the install-deadline-worker command (see "Setup worker host"
above) installs an operating system service. On Linux, this is a systemd service and on Windows this
is a Windows service.
The following commands demonstrate how to manually control the operating system service.
On Linux:
# Start the worker agent
systemctl start deadline-worker

# Stop the worker agent
systemctl stop deadline-worker

# Configure the worker agent to start on boot
systemctl enable deadline-worker

# Configure the worker agent to NOT start on boot
systemctl disable deadline-worker

On Windows:
Using an admin command-prompt:
REM start the service
sc.exe start DeadlineWorker

REM stop the service
sc.exe stop DeadlineWorker

See logging
for information on reporting issues, requesting features, and developer information.
See security issue notifications for more information.
See telemetry
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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