decneo 1.0.7

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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decneo 1.0.7

This repository contains DECNEO, a Python package that provides bioinformatics utilities for analyzing single cell transcriptomics datasets. DECNEO implements in silico detection of transcriptional regulation genes. The documentation is available at Read the Docs:

Getting Started



Input Data Format
Usage Example


Getting Started
These are the instructions on how to get a copy of this project up
and use it for data analysis.
The software runs in Python >= 3.8
To install DECNEO as a package:
$ pip install decneo

Alternatively, clone a local copy of this project to
install the package from the cloned directory:
git clone
python install

DECNEO is dependent on the following packages, that are installed/updated with installation of DECNEO:

Matplotlib - plotting from Python
NetworkX - used in network enrichment analysis
Pandas and tables - for data storage and analysis
NumPy - for processing data
sklearn - we use clustering algorithms and metrics
adjustText - optimization of text labels locations in plots

The main implementation of DECNEO includes workflow for fast and efficient calculation of
single cell gene expression distance (e.g. correlation) followed by the bootstrap technique
to account for variation and noise in the input data. The results are summarized in
a form of a optimized dendrogram, heatmap and information panels. Analysis of combination
of measurements panels allows to identify main and secondary groups of genes that are coexpressed
in the cell type of interest.
Input Data Format
Expression data for two different species for comparison is required.
For each of these species provide the input gene expression data is expected in one of the following formats:

Spreadsheet of comma-separated values csv where rows are genes, columns are cells with gene expression counts, this should be accompanied by another dataframe with two columns with one specifying batches and the other specifying corresponding cells.
Alternatively, the first row of the dataframe should be 'batch' and the second 'cell'.

Pandas DataFrame where axis 0 is genes and axis 1 are cells.
If the are batched in the data then the index of axis 1 should have two levels, e.g. ('batch', 'cell'),
with the first level indicating patient, batch or expreriment where that cell was sequenced, and the
second level containing cell barcodes for identification.

For examples refer to documentation.
Usage Example
We have made an example execution file that shows how to use decneo.
Download file VoightChoroid4567RemappedData.h5 (456.7 Mb)

This file contains normalized gene expression of 27504 genes of 7996 endothelial cells from
8 batches, and 5704 non-endothelial cells from 8 batches. Genes that are not expressed in
endothelial cells are removed from non-endothelial cells dataset

Save the downloaded data file to demo/, or otherwise modify path in demoData of
See details of the script at:

Example walkthrough of script

To execute the complete script run:

If reading demo data gives error "unsupported pickle protocol: 5" make sure that python 3.8 is used and
latest version of pandas and tables is installed.
Outputs all resulting directories, files, and figures to directory specified as the workingDir when creating an instance of class Analysis.
It will also output an analysis report detailing all results and figures.
For a detailed list, refer to the documentation.
This research project is a part of R01GM122085 grant, funded by NIH/NIGMS.
DECNEO is released under an MIT License. Please also consult the folder LICENSES distributed with DECNEO regarding Licensing information for use of external associated content.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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