demal 2.1.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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demal 2.1.0


MAL (Meta Attack Language) to JSON encoding/decoding library and command-line tool.
Convert from MAL to JSON and, as of version 2, from JSON to MAL. Incompatible with the official tool.
Author: Victor Azzam
License: MIT
Latest version: 2.1.0
Requires: Python 3.8 or later
Batteries included: Tests and examples are provided in this repository.
~ pip install demal

Or install from source
~ git clone
~ cd demal && pip install .

~ pip uninstall demal

General usage

Convert file.mal to file.mal.json
~ demal file.mal

Convert file.mal to file.json
~ demal file.mal file.json

Convert file.json to file.mal (if JSON abides by demal's output)
~ demal file.json file.mal -r

Convert file.mal and print it out
~ demal file.mal -

Read from standard input, convert, and print it out
~ cat file.mal | demal - -

Read from standard input, convert, and write to out.json
~ cat file.mal | demal - out.json

Convert several files and view them interactively
~ cat file1.mal file2.mal | demal - - | less

Display debugging information while converting
~ demal test2.mal debug
parse got: '#id: "tmp"'
parse got: '#version: "0.0.0"'
parse got: 'category C1 {'
parse_category got: '}'
parse got: 'category C2'
parse_header got: 'user info: "info"'
parse_header got: '{'
parse_category got: 'asset A1 {'
parse_asset got: '& At1'
parse_asset got: '| At2'
# output truncated

Use it as a Python module
from demal import MalParser
mal = MalParser('threat-model.mal')
mal.debug = True
mal.parse() # displays debugging messages due to the previous line
# output suppressed

mal.dump(out='parsed.json', pretty=True) # beautify and save to parsed.json
print(mal) # pretty-prints the json object
"associations": [
"asset_l": "Server",
"asset_l": "Client",
# output truncated

Merge multiple instances by addition (or multiplication or bitwise-or) akin to using include
Check tests/
from demal import MalParser

print('Parse and combine two test files.')
m1, m2 = MalParser('test1.mal'), MalParser('test2.mal')

print('First:', m1['version'])
# First: 1.0.0

print('Second:', m2['version'])
# Second: 0.0.0

m = m1 + m2 # combine category/association items, same as "include"
print('Combined:', m['version'])
# Combined: 0.0.0

print('\nModify variable.')
v = {'version': ''}
m += v
print('New version:', m['version'])
# New version:

print('\nChange inner dictionary data.')
print('Before:', m['categories']['System']['assets']['Host']['attributes']['guessedPassword']['probability'])
# Before: Exponential(0.02)

m['categories']['System']['assets']['Host']['attributes']['guessedPassword']['probability'] = 'abc'
print('After:', m['categories']['System']['assets']['Host']['attributes']['guessedPassword']['probability'])
# After: abc

print('\nList assets with dot notation: category.asset')
print('m1:', list(m1))
print('m2:', list(m2))
print('m (m1+m2):', list(m))
# m1: ['System.Host', 'System.Network', 'System.Password', 'System.User']
# m2: ['C2.A1', 'C2.A2', 'C2.A3', 'C2.A4', 'C2.A5', 'C2.A6', 'C3.A1', 'C4.A1', 'C5.distribution']
# m (m1+m2): ['System.Host', 'System.Network', 'System.Password', 'System.User', 'C2.A1', 'C2.A2', 'C2.A3', 'C2.A4', 'C2.A5', 'C2.A6', 'C3.A1', 'C4.A1', 'C5.distribution']

print('\nConvert JSON back to MAL syntax.')
m.dump_mal(out = sys.stdout)
# Output redacted

Expect the following approximate output structure when converting to JSON:
"associations": [
"asset_l": "left_asset",
"asset_r": "right_asset",
"field_l": "left_field",
"field_r": "right_field",
"meta": {
"key": "value"
# ...
"mult_l": "left_multiplier",
"mult_r": "right_multiplier",
"name": "Association"
} # ...
"categories": {
"Category1": {
"assets": {
"Asset1": {
"abstract": false,
"attributes": {
"access": {
"cia": ["C", "A"],
"meta": {},
"probability": "Exponential(0.02)", # etc, or simply null
"tags": [],
"type": "and"
"authenticate": {
"cia": null,
"leads_to": {
"0": "access",
"a": "b \\/ c " # result of: let a = ...
"meta": {},
"probability": null,
"tags": [
"type": "or"
} # ...
"extends": null,
"meta": {}
} # ...
"meta": {}
"id": "",
"version": "1.0.0"

When converting to MAL the output should closely resemble the original, albeit more concise.

Multi-line comments should be avoided.
Quotation marks must not be escaped.
Expects clean spec-compliant code.


Example: exampleLang/src/main/mal/exampleLang.mal
Spec: malcompiler/wiki/MAL-language-specification
Syntax: mal-documentation/wiki/MAL-Syntax
Reference: malcompiler-lib/src/main/java/org/mal_lang/compiler/lib/
MAL author video:
Project page:
Research paper:
Official MAL to JSON converter: mal2json


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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