deviousq 0.0.3

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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deviousq 0.0.3

deviousq is a command-line utility for querying the RSS API endpoint of the
online art sharing community DeviantArt.
It supports a variety of filters, asynchronous bulk downloading, and multiple
metadata output formats including JSON and CSV.
To install from PyPI, run:
pip install deviousq

To clone the source repository, run:
git clone

usage: deviousq [-h] [-v] [-e ENDPOINT] [-q] [-l LIMIT] [-r ORDER] [-i OFFSET] [-p PAGE] [-P PAGES]
[--start-date START_DATE] [--end-date END_DATE] [--rating RATING] [--medium MEDIUM]
[--author AUTHOR] [--gallery GALLERY] [--min-width MIN_WIDTH] [--max-width MAX_WIDTH]
[--min-height MIN_HEIGHT] [--max-height MAX_HEIGHT] [--no-blurred-content] [--no-query-author]
[-o OUTPUT_TO] [-t {flat,json,csv}] [-k RETURN_FIELD] [-d DOWNLOAD_TO]
[search_terms ...]

By default, the utility queries the official DeviantArt endpoint for a list of
items ("deviations") related to zero or more search terms.
If the value of the --order option is 9 or "popularity", the list is ordered
by most popular first (this is the server-side default); if the value of
--order is 5 or "time", the list is ordered by newest first (this is forced
for queries on author or gallery).
An offset into the list may be specified with the --offset option, and an
upper limit on the number of items to return from the list per query (up to a
maximum of 60) may be specified with the --limit option.
If a page number is specified with the --page option, the effective offset is
increased by the page number multiplied by the limit. If a number of pages to
return is specified with the --pages option, the endpoint is queried up to
that number of times to return all items contained in that number of consecutive
The list of items to return may be reduced by applying any number of filters on
publication date (--start-date and --end-date), maturity rating
(--rating), content medium (--medium), author username (--author), gallery
name (--gallery), and content width (--min-width and --max-width) and
height (--min-height and --max-height).
In default operation, a flat list with one URL representing each resulting
item, separated by newline characters, is output to stdout; if a field name
is specified with the --return-field option, then the value of the given
field is output for each result in flat mode. If a different output format
is specified with --output-format, a wider range of metadata is output for
each result in the given serialization format. If a download directory is
specified with the --download-to option, then the content URL of each result
is downloaded to that directory, and only the relative path to each
downloaded file is output. Finally if the --return-query flag is specified,
no queries are executed at all; instead only the URLs of the queries
corresponding to the input options are output.
If an output file is specified with --output-to, the generated output is
written to that file instead of stdout.
Run the command with the option --help for a list of descriptions of all
supported command-line options.
Get a list of URLs of deviations related to the search term ocean, sorted
according to the server-side default (most popular first):
deviousq ocean

Get a list of URLs of deviations related to the search term forest, sorted by
newest first:
deviousq forest --order time

Get 5 pages of up to 30 results each with the URLs of deviations related to the
search term landscapes:
deviousq --pages 5 --limit 30 landscapes

Get a list of URLs of deviations posted by the user spyed, sorted according to
the only order supported by the server (newest first):
deviousq --author spyed

Get a list of URLs of deviations posted by the user spyed to their "Featured"
gallery (the gallery identifier was obtained manually by visiting the user's
web page on DeviantArt and looking at the address of the link to the gallery),
sorted according to the only order supported by the server (newest first):
deviousq --gallery spyed/4788

Get a list of URLs of the content media of deviations related to the search term
deviousq --return-field content_url portrait

Download the content media of deviations related to the search term
magicalrealms to the directory /tmp/downloads:
deviousq --download-to /tmp/downloads magicalrealms

Get a list of deviations related to the search term painting and output their
metadata in JSON format to the file /tmp/results.json:
deviousq --output-format json --output-to /tmp/results.json painting

Supported item fields
deviousq exposes the following RSS metadata fields for each query result item,
where available:

Field key
RSS field


Item information page URL

Publication date

Maturity rating

Author information

(first author credit value)
Author username

(second author credit value)
Author avatar URL

Copyright notice

Content attributes

Content media URL

(filename component of content URL)
Content media filename

(whether content URL contains blur_)
Content blurred (for-pay content)

Content media width

Content media height

Content media medium

Attributes of each thumbnail

URLs of thumbnails

(first thumbnail URL)
URL of first thumbnail



For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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