dj_registry 0.2.3

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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dj registry 0.2.3

This is a simple, easy access key-value registry for Django. Sometimes you would like to have some flexibility in your settings.
Putting your settings in or as environment variables also mean an engineer familiar with code or command line is required to alter them.
This Django app leverage the built-in Django admin so changing settings is easier as you can use the web interface.

Python = "^3.6"
Django = "^3"

Run the following command inside project's root folder to install it's dependencies with Poetry:
$ poetry install

You can specify to the command that you do not want the development dependencies installed by passing the --no-dev option.
If you have not yet installed Poetry, please refer to their official documentation.
Install DJ-Registry with your favorite Python package manager:
(venv)$ pip install dj_registry

Add registry to your INSTALLED_APPS settings:
# other apps...


Migrate the database
(venv)$ ./ migrate

Then, we're all set!
Log in to the admin, and create some keys under the Django Registry > Entries section. Let's say, we create mailgun.key and mailgun.domain with the corresponding string type and values.
We then create another entry with game.max_score as the key, 10000 as the value and integer as the type.
The following example shows you how to access them in code:
from registry.helper import reg

key = reg['mailgun.key'] # the key that you set
domain = reg['mailgun.domain'] # the domain that you set

max_score = reg['game.max_score'] # 10000, it is returned as an int

You can also use get if you want to have a default and avoid exceptions if the key is not available (not enabled or does not exist)
reg.get('game.levels', 10) # return 10 if key not found or disabled
reg['game.levels'] # KeyError if key not found or disabled

You can set or delete entry if you want
reg['game.levels'] = 12 # Set game.levels to 12 (integer) and save
del reg['game.levels'] # Delete game.levels

Enabled and comment field
If you want to disable a key, just toggle the enabled boolean in the admin interface. It would be treated as if the key didn't exist. This is something meant to be used in the admin interface.
If you want to manipulate this in the code, you will have to access the raw model like the following:
from registry.models import Entry

e = Entry.objects.get('game.levels')
e.enabled = False

The comment field is also meant to be used in the admin interface. It is a convenient cell for user to put comments regarding to the settings, something like the following:
50: average use case.
9999: maximum special case

integer, float, string, and boolean are the supported types for now.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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