django-admin-caching 0.1.8

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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djangoadmincaching 0.1.8

Django Admin Caching made easy

Configuring the admin
Release Notes

Reporting issues/improvements
Pull Requests
Setting up all Python versions
Code of Conduct

The Django admin changelist rows are not contained within a block that could be
extended through standard template caching with tags. Also, the generation of the
cache key for more complex objects might be too complicated to do in the templates.
Plus there might be out-of-process changes (e.g.: one of manual data fixes) that
don’t change the cache key, but should invalidate the cached row.
Hence the existence of this application - declaratively cache your admin rows!


install it via pip install django-admin-caching
add it to your settings and it auto-registers itself
settings.INSTALLED_APPS = [

configure the admins you want cached (see below for detail)

Configuring the admin

to enable cahcing, the admin_caching_enabled attribute of the model’s
admin class must be set to True. Note this means you might need to
unregister the default admin and register your custom one for third
party models (e.g.: django.contrib.auth.models.Group)
the cache key by default is <admin class module name>.<admin class name>- <model class app label>.<model class name>-<model object pk>. This could
be customized by adding a custom key method to the admin class that returns
the string key for the model object part of the key -
def admin_caching_key(self, obj)

if settings.USE_I18N (and settings.USE_L10N) are enabled, for each
enabled setting, a prefix will be added to the above, e.g.:
<language name>.<locale name>.<the key from above>

on the admin level, the cache’s name can be specified through the
admin_caching_cache_name attribute. If omitted, it defaults to default
on the admin level, the cache’s timeout can be specified through the
admin_caching_timeout_seconds attribute. If omitted, it defaults to the
cache’s default_timeout

Release Notes

0.1.5 Update to supported versions.
* Drop support for Django 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10
* Drop support for Python 3.2 and 3.4
* Remove compatibility code

bugfix: AttributeError if all translation has been deactivated
- issue #10


bugfix: should not roll back latest Django version
- issue #6


add support for Django 1.11 (and thus for Python 3.6 too)


if i18n/l10n is enabled, account for it in the cache prefix


allow specifying the cache timeout on the admin class

0.1.0 - initial release

supports Django 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 on python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5
supports the following configuration attributes on the admin class

admin_caching_key for custom object cache key

As an open source project, we welcome contributions.
The code lives on github.

Reporting issues/improvements
Please open an issue on github
or provide a pull request
whether for code or for the documentation.
For non-trivial changes, we kindly ask you to open an issue, as it might be rejected.
However, if the diff of a pull request better illustrates the point, feel free to make
it a pull request anyway.

Pull Requests

for code changes

it must have tests covering the change. You might be asked to cover missing scenarios
the latest flake8 will be run and shouldn’t produce any warning
if the change is significant enough, documentation has to be provided

Setting up all Python versions
sudo apt-get -y install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes
sudo apt-get update
for version in 3.5 3.6; do
sudo apt-get -y install ${py} ${py}-dev

Code of Conduct
As it is a Django extension, it follows
Django’s own Code of Conduct.
As there is no mailing list yet, please just email one of the main authors
(see file or github contributors)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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