django-boot-siba 1.0.0

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangobootsiba 1.0.0

Siba (coming from Sibawayh) is a Django translation tool that uses json files instead of gettext (po, mo).

Support for nested keys
Reads current locale from Django translation module
Simple parameter injection to values
Support for caching locales (loading into memory) to improve performance if needed
Pluralization: none, one, some, many
Multiple prefixes (you can have separate translation files for different contexts)
Lazy loading translations

What it doesn't do:

Right now there is no support to use this library in Django templates. Rest framework should be supported well.

Tested with Python 3.9, but 3.6+ should be supported as well. Django >= 4.2.
You can create files with format {prefix}.{locale}.json under a directory of your choice so Siba scans them.
For example application.en.json should contain en locale data for prefix application (default). You can change default prefix and directory of locales in settings (read below).
Example json content:
"phrase": {
"welcomeMessage": "Welcome to application, {username}"

You can now read this translation using:
from siba.translation import translate, translate_lazy


You can directly pass a locale as well:
from siba.translation import translate, translate_lazy

translate("phrase.welcomeMessage", locale="de")
translate_lazy("phrase.welcomeMessage", locale="de")

Or change the prefix (reads from a different file):
from siba.translation import translate

# looks in file
translate("phrase.welcomeMessage", prefix="messages", locale="de")

If you don't pass a locale it goes for active translation in Django.
So you don't have to worry if you already change active translation in your middlewares.
from siba.translation import translate
from django.utils import translation

translate("phrase.welcomeMessage") # looks for de locale

And you can inject parameter values
from siba.translation import translate

translate("phrase.welcomeMessage", parameters={"username": "siba"})

Siba supports pluralization. To use it you need at least these two keys defined in your json object for a parent key you want to pluralize:
one, many.
Through the settings you can enable support for some, and it supports none by default too.
"catCounter": {
"none": "You have no cats! Start to pet one.",
"one": "You only have a single cat! Get more pets.",
"some": "Glad to see you have some cats.",
"many": "I've never seen so many cats bein pets of a single person!"

Using key argument p_count you can determine which translation should be used.
from siba.translation import translate

translate("catCounter") # You only have a single cat! Get more pets.
translate("catCounter", p_count=0) # You have no cats! Start to pet one.
translate("catCounter", p_count=1) # You only have a single cat! Get more pets.
translate("catCounter", p_count=3) # Glad to see you have some cats.

# Dynamical example:
cats = []
translate("catCounter", p_count=len(cats))

You can change the settings by using code below in your
from siba import set_setting

set_setting(key, value)

Setting keys are:

error_on_unknown_key: expects (bool), determines if error should rise when a translation key is missing.
error_on_missing_locale_file: expects (bool), determines if error should rise when a locale file is missing.
key_split_delimiter: expects (str), delimiter for keys.
locales_path: expects (str), directory to find locale files in .
cache_locales: expects (bool), determines if locale data should be cached (loaded into memory).
prefixes: expects (list[str]), list of supported locale file prefixes.
default_prefix: expects (str), default prefix (currently set to application).
locales: expects (list[str]), list of supported locales in the application.
default_locale: expects (str), the default locale of the application (currently set to en).
missing_parameter_handler: expects (function(key:str)), callable function to call when a parameter is missing. By default the parameter name is returned.
pluralization: expects (dict), with keys below:

some_enabled: expects (bool), determines if "some" should be supported
some_limit: expects (int), determines value which plural will be known as "some" if count is between this number or 1.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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