django-bootstrap3-multidatepicker 0.1.5

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangobootstrap3multidatepicker 0.1.5

django-bootstrap3-datepicker============================Datepicker that supports the selection of multiple dates for Django,using Bootstrap Twitter.The aim of this package is to provide widgets and form fields for Djangothat use`bootstrap-datepicker <>`__.There are some packages that already try to do this, however I've neverfound one with working multidate support. The package's homepage can befound`here <>`__on GitHub.I'll slightly follow the package as provide`here <>`__.This package supports single date selection, mine will cover multidateselection. Because that's not so much change I'll actually copy a lotfrom this code base.Notice======This package does what I want for a specific purpose, if you have anysuggestions contact me! This package is still in an early beta.Credits=======I've used some libraries and I wish to thank the people who wrote them!\* Of course the `Django <>`__ developers\*`bootstrap3\_datepicker <>`__\* `JavaScript DateFormat <>`__And all the people I've forgotten ;).License=======Licensed under the `Apache License, Version2.0 <>`__.Example Usage=============There is a small demo included in this package. However make sure that``'django_bootstrap3_multidatepicker'`` and ``'bootstrap3'`` arecontained in your ``'INSTALLED_APPS'``.You should also change the bootstrap3 default behaviour and take carethat ``'javascript_in_head'`` is set to ``True``, i.e. put in your**:.. code:: python BOOTSTRAP3 = { 'javascript_in_head': True, }There is a widget called ``BootstrapDatepickerInput`` and a form field``DateListField``. They should be used together, otherwise I can'tguarantee anything ;).The ``DateListField`` stores the dates as python list of```` objects. The hidden input stores a json listcontaining all the selected dates in the form ``"yyyy/mm/dd"``, e.g.``"2016/02/22"``. It's method ``to_python`` gets the string from thehidden input, tries to parse them in the given format and returns thelist of all dates.Here's a small example that displays a calendar and lets the user selectthe inputs... code:: python from django import forms from from django_bootstrap3_multidatepicker.django_bootstrap3_multidatepicker import widgets, fields import widgets, fields class YourForm(forms.Form): dates = fields.DateListField(label='Select Dates')Adding a template etc. will give you a calendar like this:.. figure:: doc/imgs/widget_example.png :alt: Example of the widget Example of the widgetA view could look like this:.. code:: python class MultiDateForm(FormView): template_name = YourTemplate form_class = YourForm def form_valid(self, form): dates = form.cleaned_data['dates'] return render(self.request, YourSuccessTemplate, {'dates': dates})In YourSuccessTemplate you can do something like this:.. code:: html The following dates were selected: {% if dates %} <ul> {% for date in dates %} <li>{{ date|date:"SHORT_DATE_FORMAT" }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endif %}Your result will look something like this: |Success page|.. |Success page| image:: doc/imgs/success.png


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