django-burl 1.0.4

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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djangoburl 1.0.4

django-burl (brief url) is a URL shortening application for inclusion in
django projects. It provides a data model and a simple REST API in addition
to URL redirection capabilities.
If you are looking for a standalone URL shortener that you can quickly run in
a container, see burl for a ready-to-go
reference implementation of django-burl.

Quick Start

Install by running pip install django-burl in your python/django environment
Configure django (e.g. in your project’s as follows:


"DEFAULT_FILTER_BACKENDS": ["django_filters.rest_framework.DjangoFilterBackend"],

Run database migrations, e.g. migrate.
Add the URLs from django_burl.api.v2.urls or django_burl.urls to your application’s URL structure.
Create some Brief URLs in the Django admin (logged in as a superuser).
Explore the API. Its URL may vary depending on how you configured your
project. (HINT: install django_extensions and then run show_urls
to get a full list of your project’s URLs if you’re not sure.)

Sites & Permissions
django-burl uses the django
sites framework,
allowing one django instance to host multiple domains. Permissions
to each site are determined by BriefURLDomainUser objects, which you can create
and manipulate in the Django Admin (as a superuser).
These objects map a user to a site and one of three roles:

Creator - has the ability to create burls, and to view, modify and delete his/her own burls
Editor - has creator permissions plus ability to view all burls and modify any burl
Admin - has editor permissions plus ability to delete a burl

Anonymous requests are denied, and users who are not associated with any
BriefURLDomainUser objects are also denied access.
Requests to the REST API are always scoped by domain based on the request’s
Host header. For example, if your django instance has two sites with domains
abc.test and xyx.test, you cannot manipulate the burls for abc.test
by making requests to the API at https://xyz.test; you can only do so through
NOTE: Only superusers can modify the owner of a burl, and must take care that the
burl’s owner has access to its site via BriefURLDomainUser objects (neither the
admin interface nor the REST API currently enforces this). Otherwise, the burl
will become manageable only by superusers and will not be accessible to its owner.
Likewise, the burls available to non-superusers in the django admin interface
are also scoped by site: a user working in https://xyz.test/admin will not see
any burls for abc.test, even if both domains are hosted on the same django
instance, and the user has permission to them both. If the user wants to edit
burls in abc.test, it must be done via the https://abc.test/admin interface.
Superusers editing burls in the django admin interface will see all burls from
all domains, where they can change the owner and site/domain for each burl.
Again care must be taken that the burl’s owner has access to its site via
BriefURLDomainUser objects (the admin interface does not enforce this).

Django Admin
Burls can be managed by non-superusers in the Django admin, by granting the user
Staff status and the following User permissions:

django_burl | brief url | Can view brief url

The default redirect for a domain can also be managed (by a site admin) in the
django admin by granting:

django_burl | brief url default redirect | Can view brief url default redirect

(This is not currently used by django-burl directly, but may be useful in your
upstream application.)

API Reference
It is assumed that django-burl will be installed within a larger django project,
and leaves to the project architect the task of integrating it with other API
endpoints and resources.
The API is implemented using
django rest framework (DRF). It
follows standard DRF settings and conventions, and should play nice with other
tools in the greater DRF sandbox. You can visit the API root in your browser
for a user-friendly interface.
Brief URLs are represented as JSON objects of the following schema:
"burl": string,
"url": string,
"user": int | uuid,
"description": string,
"enabled": bool
The following URL endpoints are provided:

GET - list Brief URLs
POST - create a new Brief URL (JSON body per schema above)


GET - return details about the requested Brief URL
PUT - entirely replace the requested Brief URL (JSON body per schema above)
PATCH - update the provided fields on the requested Brief URL (JSON body per schema above)
DELETE - delete the requested Brief URL

django-burl implements a URL shortening service by allowing authorized users
to create a brief URL pointing to any other URL.
When creating a brief URL, the user may specify the brief url, which must be
unique within the domain. If the user does not specify a brief URL, one will be
generated by passing a random salt and number into the
hashids library until a unique string is found.
The HASHID_ALPHABET setting determines the characters (as a string) that will
be used to automatically generate burls. The BURL_BLACKLIST setting is a list
of strings that will not be used when generating burls.
When the brief URL is subsequently requested from django-burl, it returns
a redirect to the original URL.
There are two primary interfaces to burl:

the built-in django admin interface (typically at https://abc.test/admin/);
a minimal restful API based on
django rest framework (DRF).

New brief URLs can only be created by authenticated users (via session auth
or token auth by default), who must also be granted permission to the relevant
site via BriefURLDomainUser objects. Permissions and authentication methods
are further extensible via DRF.


You will need an existing Django
project, running at least django 2.2+ and python 3.7+.
In addition, the sites framework
must be installed, and CurrentSiteMiddleware enabled in your project.
For a standalone url shortener implementing django-burl, see

A PostgreSQL database is recommended for your django-burl project.
While MySQL variants may also work, django-burl is tested against and
optimized for postgres.
Note that django-burl does rely on strong constraints, so sqlite is not
Follow the standard Django docs for configuring your database engine.

user model
django-burl serializes the user id field in API responses. This imposes
some limitations on the user model that can be used with the package. Namely,
your user model must have an id field that is either:

an integer, e.g. AutoField (as found on the default django user model),
BigAutoField, or IntegerField
or a UUID, e.g. UUIDField

User models that do not conform to the above specification are not supported.

django-burl is made to be installed via the standard python installation methods.
You can install it as simply as running:
pip install django-burl
It is recommended, of course, that you use django-burl in a virtualenv or
Docker container.
Then, configure your as follows:


"DEFAULT_FILTER_BACKENDS": ["django_filters.rest_framework.DjangoFilterBackend", ... ],
Next, run the database migrations to create the necessary tables, using your
project’s management script: migrate
You should now see the database tables in the django admin after restarting
your application.
Finally, configure API routes by including django_burl.urls in your application’s
URL configuration.

django-burl reads its configuration from the standard django settings module,
which is typically extended in a file (or whatever module is
specified in the $DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable). More relevant
settings include:
# list of strings that cannot be used as brief URLs;
# subtracting from the below defaults is inadvisable, but extend at will!
BURL_BLACKLIST = ["admin", "api", "static", "media"]

# the characters available for generating BURLs
HASHID_ALPHABET = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"

# when there are more than this number of burls, the django admin gets its count of
# objects using a less accurate estimate from postgres, rather than count(*);
# if another db is used, this setting is ignored.

# the configured user model (must have an id that is an int or a uuid)
AUTH_USER_MODEL = "myapp.models.user"

# you can extend DRF settings to your liking ...
"DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS": "rest_framework.pagination.LimitOffsetPagination",
"PAGE_SIZE": 20,
"DEFAULT_FILTER_BACKENDS": ["django_filters.rest_framework.DjangoFilterBackend"],
django_burl.conf.settings extends django.conf.settings, supplying default
they are not already provided. Modules throughout this library therefore import
from django_burl.conf.settings instead of django.conf.settings.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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