django-cukierpuder-jwt-auth 0.2

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangocukierpuderjwtauth 0.2

=====django-cukierpuder-jwt-auth=====django-cukierpuder-jwt-auth is a simple authorization Django app based on JSON Web Tokens.Quick start-----------1. Add jwt_auth to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:: INSTALLED_APPS = [ ..., 'jwt_auth.apps.JwtAuthConfig', ]2. Include the polls URLconf in your project like this:: path('auth/', include('jwt_auth.urls')),3. Run `python migrate` to create the polls models.4. Available endpoints:: '/auth/register/' - [POST] register a new user (requires an email, username and password in request's body) '/auth/token/obtain/' - [POST] obtain access and refresh token (requires username and password in request's body) '/auth/token/refresh' - [POST] obtain refresh token (requires refresh token in request's body) '/auth/users/' - [GET] get the list of all users (requires access token in request's header) '/auth/users/<int:id>/' - [GET] get the details of specific user (requires access token in request's header)


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