django-custom-error-views 0.2.5

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangocustomerrorviews 0.2.5

Django Custom Error Views
Prebuilt and customizable error views for Django.


Customizing Error Pages (Optional)



Responsive design suitable for device sizes from mobile to desktop.
Supports 400,403,404 and 500 HTTP errors by default.
Minimal setup required to render the templates.
Customizable error views through Django settings using custom error handlers.

pip install django-custom-error-views


That's all! Now Django will by default use the templates from the package for 400, 403, 404 and 500 pages. However, if you want to customize the pages by adding a logo, changing text etc. Then you'll need the next section as well.
Customizing Error Pages
To customize the error pages you need to add a custom handler that injects context into the templates. Add the below snippet to your
from django.conf import settings
from django_custom_error_views.views import handler400 as ui_handler400
from django_custom_error_views.views import handler403 as ui_handler403
from django_custom_error_views.views import handler404 as ui_handler404
from django_custom_error_views.views import handler500 as ui_handler500

handler400 = "django_custom_error_views.views.handler400"
handler403 = "django_custom_error_views.views.handler403"
handler404 = "django_custom_error_views.views.handler404"
handler500 = "django_custom_error_views.views.handler500"

Add the below snippet to to debug and visualize the error pages locally. This is optional.
# Optional
if settings.DEBUG:
# This allows the error pages to be debugged during development, just visit
# these url in browser to see how these error pages look like.
urlpatterns += [
kwargs={"exception": Exception("Bad Request!")},
kwargs={"exception": Exception("Permission Denied")},
kwargs={"exception": Exception("Page not Found")},
path("500/", ui_handler500),

And then you can add the following settings for each page.
"company_logo": "/images/icon.png", # Static image or full URL
"400": {
"title": "Custom 400 error.",
"description": "Custom 400 description.",
"extra_content": "400 extras.",
"403": {
"title": "Custom 403 Error.",
"description": "Custom 403 description.",
"extra_content": "403 extras.",
"render_exception": True,
"404": {
"title": "Custom 404 Error.",
"description": "Custom 404 description.",
"extra_content": "404 extras.",
"render_exception": True,
"500": {
"title": "Custom 500 Error.",
"description": "Custom 500 description.",
"extra_content": "500 extras.",

Each option does the following:

company_logo - Adds a company logo to the top of the page. Either a static ({% static %}) image or a full URL to an image
title - Changes the title for the page to a custom one.
description - Changes the description for the error to a custom one.
extra_content - Adds extra text to the page below the title and description.
render_exception - Renders the exception that occurred in the page (only for 403/404 pages), by default it's hidden.

You can preview the error pages live at:

400 HTTP status code
403 HTTP status code
404 HTTP status code
500 HTTP status code - Has the status code 200 only in the demo.

Image preview:


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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