django-ecommerce 1.0.10

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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djangoecommerce 1.0.10

Django E-commerce
This Django E-commerce app empowers online retail businesses with robust features for managing products, categories, and
orders. It includes versatile functionalities such as discount management, stock tracking, and flexible settings
configuration to streamline the end-to-end E-commerce process.

Install this package using pip

pip install django-ecommerce

Add django_ecommerce to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this


Migrate your database

python migrate

In the Django settings file, customize the available currencies for your E-commerce platform by modifying the
ECOMMERCE_AVAILABLE_CURRENCIES list. Set the default currency using the ECOMMERCE_DEFAULT_CURRENCY variable,
and tailor the displayed fields in the shipping administration interface with the ECOMMERCE_SHIPPING_ADMIN_FIELDS.
('EUR', 'EUR'),
('USD', 'USD'),
ECOMMERCE_SHIPPING_ADMIN_FIELDS = ['full_name', 'address', 'phone', 'city', 'shipping_amount', 'remark']

To seamlessly integrate an ecommerce system into your Django application, it is recommended to leverage the utility
functions provided by django_ecommerce.utils. These functions, including adding to cart, removing from cart, and
creating orders, offer a convenient and robust solution for managing various ecommerce interactions within your application.
Here is a list of utility functions from django_ecommerce.utils with concise explanations for each

chunks(queryset, chunk_size)

Divides a given queryset into smaller chunks for more efficient processing.

similar_products(product, limit=4)

Finds and returns a specified number of products similar to the given product, excluding the original.

variant_availability(variant: ProductVariant, request) -> int

Determines the availability of a product variant by subtracting the quantity in the user's cart from the total available quantity.

money(amount: float, currency: str = None) -> Money

Generates a Money instance with the specified amount and currency. Uses the default currency from Django settings if available.

get_shipping_data(amount: Money) -> dict

Retrieves shipping-related data based on the total order amount, considering factors like free shipping eligibility and shipping cost.


Retrieves information about the user's shopping cart, including items, total cost, quantity, and shipping details.

remove_from_cart(request, variant_id: int) -> dict

Removes a specified product variant from the user's shopping cart.

add_to_cart(request, variant_id: int, quantity: int = 1) -> dict

Adds a specified quantity of a product variant to the user's shopping cart, considering stock availability.

create_order(request, email: str = None, full_name: str = None, ...) -> dict

Creates an order based on the user's shopping cart and specified details, including customer information and a custom callback function.

get_cities() -> set

Retrieves a set of city names from the database.

get_countries() -> set

Retrieves a set of country names from the database.

find_product_by_slug(slug: str) -> Product | None

Finds and returns a product based on its slug. Returns None if the product does not exist.

find_category_by_slug(slug: str) -> Category | None

Finds and returns a category based on its slug. Returns None if the category does not exist.

find_order_by_code(code: str) -> Order | None

Finds and returns an order based on its unique code. Returns None if the order does not exist.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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