django-fsforms 6.0.0

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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djangofsforms 6.0.0

A reusable Django application for rendering forms with Foundation for


Python 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7
Django 2.0.x, 2.1.x and 2.2.x (Jinja2 is not supported yet)
Foundation for Sites 6.x

Note that this application does not include Foundation for Sites assets
so that you can customize it as you need. Get started by reading its


Displays the field label as well as its help text
Renders the Django base Widgets following the Forms
Shows the field errors as needed and sets the proper CSS classes on
the field label and the input


Install Foundation Forms for Django:
pip install django-fsforms

Add it to the INSTALLED_APPS in your

Set the FORM_RENDERER in your to use
fsforms’ one:

If you are using Django templates:
FORM_RENDERER = 'fsforms.renderers.DjangoTemplates'

If you are using TemplateSetting as form renderer, you just
have to ensure that the fsforms templates will be sourced
before the built-in widgets templates directory.

Note that this step is required since Django is loading templates
first from the built-in form templates directory in django/forms
when using those backends (see the Built-in-template form renderers’

In your template, you will just have to load fsforms then use the
fsfield tag to render a form field.
{% load fsforms %}

<form action="/url/to/submit/" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
<ul class="no-bullet">
<li>{% fsfield form.simple_field %}</li>
<li>{% fsfield form.other_field label_class="my-field" %}</li>
<div class="button-holder">
<button type="submit" class="button">Submit</button>
Here are the special arguments you can pass to the fsfield tag: -
show_label: a boolean which turns on or off the label output. Note
that label of choices widgets will always be displayed. -
label_class: a string which contains additional CSS classes to apply
to the label element. - show_errors: a boolean which turns on or off
the field errors’ output as well as the CSS classes applied to the
elements - e.g. is-invalid-input and is-invalid-label. Default
is True. - as_list: a boolean which controls the rendering of
choices widgets - i.e. RadioSelect and CheckboxSelectMultiple. When set
to True - the default, the fields will be rendered inline and
wrapped inside a fieldset as suggested by the Forms component.
Otherwise, they will be rendered as a list.
All the remaining arguments will be added to the widget attributes. As
regards the required one, you can alter its value too but only with
client-side effect. It means that if a field is defined as required in
the form class and you pass required=False to the tag, it will
appear as non-required to the user but will still be validated at the
form’s submission.

You can use this under GNU AGPLv3+. See LICENSE file for


[6.0.0] - 2019-09-23

Add compatibility for Django >= 2.1 and Python 3.5

[6.0.0rc2] - 2018-04-11

fsfield tag to render a form field using Foundation Forms


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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