django-graphene-firebase-auth 0.0.31

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangographenefirebaseauth 0.0.31

# graphene-django-firebase-auth
Authentication provider for graphene-django and Firebase’s Authentication service.
Note this is a WIP and abandoned project since I never ended up using Firebase. But the code is still a good starting
point as of writing this.
Partially inspired by
for Django REST framework.
This app is used with [Firebase Authentication]( on a client.
## Compatibility
This code has only been tested with Python 3.7.0 and Django 2.1.2.
## Installing

Install the app:

`sh pipenv install graphene-django-firebase-auth `

Download the JSON file from your [Firebase console]( with your account’s
Set FIREBASE_KEY_FILE in your project’s settings to the path of the credentials file:

`python import os FIREBASE_KEY_FILE = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'path/to/firebase-credentials.json') `

Add the authentication backend to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS:

`python AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ['firebase_auth.authentication.FirebaseAuthentication'] `

Add firebase_auth to INSTALLED_APPS:

`python INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'firebase_auth', ] `

Add FirebaseAuthMixin to your AUTH_USER_MODEL:

`python class User(PermissionsMixin, FirebaseAuthMixin): `

Build and run your DB migrations to add the changes:

`sh ./ makemigrations ./ migrate `
## Sending tokens on the client
Your client will need to send an Authorization: Bearer token on each request. How you do this depends on your client
and is outside the scope
of this documentation.
## Developing
### Setting up your environment

Install the dependencies:

`sh pipenv install -d `

Download the JSON file from your [Firebase console]( with your account’s
Create an .env file using .env.example as a template. Make sure
to specify the path to the file in the previous step.
Enter the virtual environment:

`sh ./ shell `
### Other commands
`sh # Run the tests ./ test `
`sh # Lint the code ./ `


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