django-logging-json 1.15

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangologgingjson 1.15

.. role:: python(code) :language: pythonDjango Logging==============A Django library that logs request, response and exception details in a JSON document.It uses the python rotation mechanism to rotate the file logs, but the rotation files will be gziped and it has support for sending the log messages to Elasticsearch... image:: :target: code-block:: python pip install git+ code-block:: python pip install django-logging-jsonQuick start===========1. Add "django_logging" to your INSTALLED_APPS settings like this:.. code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'django_logging', )2. Include the DjangoLoggingMiddleware middleware in your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES like this:.. code-block:: python MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django_logging.middleware.DjangoLoggingMiddleware', ... )Handlers========AppFileHandler--------------This handle will log request/response info to ``LOG_PATH/app.log``. It will also log request/exception, for unhandled exceptions, in the same file.Log format:Request and Response.. code-block:: javascript { "INFO": { "timestamp": { "request": { ... request info ... }, "response": { ... response info ... } } } }Request and Exception.. code-block:: javascript { "ERROR": { "timestamp": { "request": { ... request info ... }, "exception": { "message": "Exception message", "traceback": [ ... ] } } } }SQLFileHandler--------------This handler will log all queries to ``LOG_PATH/sql.log``.In a production environment you should set ``LOG_LEVEL = Error`` or ``SQL_LOG = False`` to avoid performance issues.The queries will also be logged to the console if ``CONSOLE_LOG`` is set to ``True``DebugFileHandler----------------This handler will log debug messages to ``LOG_PATH/debug.log``. This handler is only used when ``settings.DEBUG`` is set to ``True``.Log format:.. code-block:: python [%(levelname)s - %(created)s], file:%(module), func:%(funcName)s, ln:%(lineno)s: %(message)sCustom Use==========To log debug messages:.. code-block:: python from django_logging import log log.debug('debug message')To log handled exceptions:.. code-block:: python from django_logging import log, ErrorLogObject log.error(ErrorLogObject(request, exception, duration))Settings========Inspired by Django Rest Framework, Django Logging settings are grouped in a single dictionary.To override Django Logging settings, add a dictionary in your project's settings file.. code-block:: python DJANGO_LOGGING = { "CONSOLE_LOG": False }Default Settings----------------:python:`CONSOLE_LOG = True` - Log to console.:python:`SQL_LOG = True` - Log SQL queries.:python:`SQL_THRESHOLD = 0.5` - Log slow queries only.:python:`LOG_LEVEL = 'debug'` - If settings.DEBUG is set to True, otherwise LOG_LEVEL is set to 'info':python:`DISABLE_EXISTING_LOGGERS = True` - Set this to False if you want to combine with multiple loggers.:python:`LOG_PATH = '{}/logs'.format(settings.BASE_DIR)` - If the logs folder does not exist, it will be created.:python:`IGNORED_PATHS = ['/admin', '/static', '/favicon.ico']` - List of URL endpoints to ignore.:python:`RESPONSE_FIELDS = ('status', 'reason', 'charset', 'headers', 'content')` - List of response fields to log.:python:`CONTENT_JSON_ONLY = True` - Log response content only if its a JSON document.:python:`ROTATE_MB = 100` - Maximum size in MB that the log file can have before it gets rotated.:python:`ROTATE_COUNT = 10` - Maximum number of rotated log files.:python:`INDENT_CONSOLE_LOG = 2` - Indent console log by "n" spaces.:python:`ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED = False` - Set to yes to enable elasticsearch support.:python:`ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS = ["localhost"]` - Elasticsearch hosts:python:`ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX = "django-logging-json"` - Elasticsearch index name:python:`ELASTICSEARCH_SSL = False` - Elasticsearch connection via SSL (:443):python:`ELASTICSEARCH_AUTH = ('user', 'password)` - Elasticsearch authorization credentials (user, password). Defaults to `None`Change Log==========1.15 [2017-11-23]------------------ adds certifi to required packages- removes python 3.4 support and adds python 3.61.12 [2017-11-09]------------------ bug fixes1.11 [2017-11-09]------------------ bug fixes1.10 [2017-11-02]----------------- adds a 0.5 threshold for SQL queries to be logged. Spamming the logs with fast queries is unnecessary1.9 [2017-10-26]----------------- adds send to es onf a different thread1.7 [2017-10-26]----------------- log sql queries in DEBUG mode as well1.6 [2017-10-26]----------------- fixes a bug where messages were being sent to elasticsearch twice- logs sql queries from scripts(managements commands, etc.) instead of just from a web request1.5.9 [2017-10-19]------------------- adds "raw" to exception messages- uses pprint instead of json dumps for console output1.5.8 [2017-10-03]------------------- allow "raw" messages to be logged.1.5.6 [2017-10-02]------------------- adds support for Elasticsearch SSL connection and authorization1.5.5 [2017-06-21]------------------- fixes compatibility for django MIDDLEWARE `django >= 1.10` 1.5.4 [2017-02-08]------------------- fixes compatibility with python < 3.5 when logging exceptions1.5.3 [2016-06-26]------------------- bug fixing1.5 [2016-06-04]---------------- - do not return a response in process_exception. Give other middlewares a chance to process the exception. - console log indentation - elastic search support. below a sample chart using kibana with elasticsearch and django-logging.. image:: kibana_sample.png1.4 [2016-02-19]---------------- - bug fixing - added support for query logging when using multiple database - added database alias for sql logs if multiple databases are used - added plain dict logging support1.3 [2015-12-13]---------------- - added support for Python 2.7 - added support for Django >= 1.41.2 [2015-11-22]---------------- - added sql logging support - log entries are now sorted by keys - console handler now indents the log entries by 4 spaces - log response content if it's JSON (bug)1.1 [2015-11-17]---------------- - added exception "type" for exception log entries


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