djangocms-charts 3.0.4

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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djangocmscharts 3.0.4


A plugin for DjangoCMS that creates easy to use and fully customisable ChartJs (ver 2.x) charts - with a table and csv upload interface.


CAUTION - This is a complete refactoring of DjangoCMS Charts to ChartJS version 2.x
All Models, Fields, and Options have changed
Due to changes in ChartJS 1.x > 2.x - Not all Custom settings will be migrated
The migrations attempt to bring over any settings changed from the default values from each previous chart.
ChartJS is enabled by default - update settings to disable as below
All chart types are now available in the ChartsJS Plugin
Multiple Datasets can be added as Child Plugins of the parent ChartJS Plugin
Global Options are added in the Admin, as required.
All Options come from the ChartJS object/dictionary and are using a Select2 list

Quick start

Add 'djangocms_charts' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::

Run python migrate to create the djangocms_charts models.

Ensure you have your own version of jQuery added to block 'js'. See here:

Add a DjangoCMS ChartJS Plugin to your web page!

Caching [Optional]
The queries and building up of each chart can be expensive for many options/data rows/charts etc.
To speed this up set up a dedicated DjangoCMS Charts cache.
This should be a unique cache as it will require to be cleared after saving any charts object due to the complex relationship between all objects.

In add DJANGOCMS_CHARTS_CACHE = 'djangocms_charts' which should map to a unique cache.

In your CACHES add the charts cache - sample backend below - use your own cache system:

'default': {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
'LOCATION': 'djangocms_charts',

URLS [Optional]
If access to the JSON Vesion of the chart is required add the following to your :
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^chartjs/', include('djangocms_charts.urls')),

The JSON view can then be accessed via:

Chart View: [url]/chartjs/get_chart_as_json/[chart_id]/
Global Options View: [url]/get_global_options_as_json/[options_id]/

ChartJs-Sass [Optional]
All chart dataset colours (backgroundColor, borderColor, etc) can be set using CSS via ChartJS-Sass. This JS library will update any unspecified colors with those specified in the CSS and built using SASS.
For more details see:

To disable/enable, in add DJANGOCMS_CHARTS_ENABLE_CHARTJS_SASS = True or False (default=True)

Chart Types
The following chart types can be selected with options (see below)

Line XY (Scatter with line)
Horizontal Bar
Mixed (see Multiple Datasets)

Input Data
All input data will be used as below.
NB: Multiple datasets can be added as either:

Dataset Plugins as child to each Chart Plugin (customisable colours/formats etc)
Multiple rows or columns within a Chart input table (scriptable colours/formats)

# Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, PolarArea
# ------------------------------------------
# Datasets in 'cols' > TRANSPOSED
# Label_1, Label_2, ...
# Jan-20 10 30
# Feb-20 20 40
# ...
# OR
# Datasets in 'rows' > USES THIS FORMAT INTERNALLY
# Jan-20 Feb-20, ...
# Label_1 10 20
# Label_2 30 40
# ...
# Bubble [r], Scatter, Line_XY
# ----------------------------
# [r - radius - is ignored for line and scatter]
# Datasets in 'cols' > TRANSPOSED
# x 10 20 ...
# y 30 40 ...
# [r] 5 10 ...
# OR
# Datasets in 'rows' > USES THIS FORMAT INTERNALLY
# x, y, [r]
# 10 30 5
# 20 40 10
# ...

Multiple Axes can be added using X Axis or Y Axis. Each Axis can be used multiple times (e.g. Linear axis).
Options for Axes are set below.
Multiple Datasets
Multiple datasets can be added as rows/columns of the main chart, or added as Dataset child plugins.
The rendering order for ChartJS is that the first dataset is top-most - this plugin prepends the subsequent child datasets so the last dataset is top-most.
Mixed Types
Each child Dataset can have a different type, thus creating a Mixed Chart.
NB: Some types do not mix well (Radar/Bar etc) - we make no validation on each possible combination.
Dataset Colors
Dataset Color Groups can be specified as a user-friendly list of colors, with a click-and-drag sortable feature.
Specifying the color group
Specifications for each group require the following:

Type (select multiple types with Ctrl)

the Chart/Dataset type that these colors will be applied to

Namespace Labels (select multiple types with Ctrl)

the dataset namespace labels that will use these colors
e.g. backgroundColor, borderColor, pointBackgroundColor, ...


a text list of hex only colors
these can be selected/edited/rearranged through the interface

Application of Color Groups
These color groups can then be applied as follows:


by assigning the color group to the Global Settings
any Chart/Dataset (without colors specified) will use these colors

By Chart

all of the Chart datasets and any sub-datasets (without colors specified) will have these colors applied

By Dataset

any Dataset can specifically use this Color Group

Color By Dataset or Series
The flag to set 'Color by Dataset' will do the following:

Color by Dataset: True

Each individual Dataset will use one color from the color array based on its index
e.g. with a color array of [red, green, blue]

# Jan-20 Feb-20, ...
# Label_1 10 20 <- red
# Label_2 30 40 <- green
# Label_3 50 60 <- blue

Color by Series: False

Each individual Dataset will get the full color array to use for each element in Series
e.g. with a color array of [red, green, blue]

# Jan-20 Feb-20, ...
# Label_1 10 <- red 20 <- green
# Label_2 30 <- red 40 <- green
# Label_3 50 <- red 60 <- green

Options are set in JavaScript using the settings provided by ChartJS - Use this documentation:
The Options are assigned in ascending order of priority as:<option> - see GlobalOptionsGroup in Admin
chart.options.<option> - see ChartOptions Group selectable for each chart
chart.options.<option> - see ChartSpecificOptions assigned to each chart individually
dataset.<option> - see DatasetOptionsGroup selectable for each dataset
dataset.<option> - see DatasetSpecificOptions assigned to each dataset individually
chart.options.scales.<axes>.<option> - see AxisOptionsGroup selectable for each axis

Option Input Types
ChartJS accepts various input option formats, some can be scripted, functions, numbers, or text.
DjangoCMS Charts options can be input as any one of the following types:
NB. there is no validation of input types - Errors will appear in the console


Any form of text input, such as a colour. e.g. #28aece
Sample output: {"option_name": "#28aece"}


Either an integer or float can be input e.g. 2 or 3.5
A float (with a '.') will be converted to float
Sample output: {"option_name": 2}


Text or number be cast to a boolean, can be any of 'true', 'false', 1, 0
Sample output: {"option_name": true}


Text to be parsed and loaded as valid Json, e.g. ['red', 'blue', 'green']
Sample output: {"option_name": ["red", "blue", "green"]}


Will split a string array into elements using the following (in order):

"\n" (new line)
"," (comma)
"\t" (tab)
" " (space)

Sample input: red blue green
Sample output: {"option_name": ["red", "green", "blue"}]


A js function string that will be cleaned (new lines etc.) and injected into the code.
Can be a valid function name or complete function without comments

function(context) {
var index = context.dataIndex;
var value =[index];
return value < 0 ? 'red' :
index % 2 ? 'blue' :

More details on ChartJs
ChartJs is a dynamic JS charting application giving users an interactive and visually appealing chart in an html 5 canvas. Each type of chart is available:


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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