dlist 0.53

Creator: bradpython12

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dlist 0.53

A list of dict.
Each dict-element has only one key.
Such as: [ {k1:v1},{k2:v2},{k3,v3}]


from dlist import *
rslts[0] = (is_dlist([]) == True)
rslts[1] = (is_dlist([{1:'a'},{2:'b'}]) == True)
rslts[2] = (is_dlist([{1:'a',2:'b'},{3:'c',4:'d'}]) == False)

from dlist import *
d = {1:2,3:4,5:6,7:8}
rslts[3] = (dict2dlist(d) == [{1: 2}, {3: 4}, {5: 6}, {7: 8}])

from dlist import *
d = {1:2,3:4,5:6,7:8}
dl = [{1: 2}, {3: 4}, {5: 6}, {7: 8}]
rslts[4] = (dlist2dict(dl) == d)

from dlist import *
d = {1:2,3:4,5:6,7:8}
dl = [{1: 2}, {3: 4}, {5: 6}, {7: 8}]
kl = [1,3,5,7]
vl = [2,4,6,8]
rslts[5] = (dlist2kvlist(dl) == (kl,vl))
rslts[6] = (kvlist2dlist(kl,vl) == dl)

from dlist import *
dl1 = [{1:2},{3:4}]
dl2 = [{5:6},{7:8}]
rslts[7] = (dl1 == [{1: 2}, {3: 4}, {5: 6}, {7: 8}])

dl1 = [{1:2},{3:4}]
dl2 = [{5:6},{7:8}]
rslts[8] = (dl1 == [{5: 6}, {7: 8},{1: 2}, {3: 4}])

dl1 = [{1:2},{3:4}]
dl2 = [{5:6},{7:8}]
dl = concat(dl1,dl2)
rslts[9] = (dl == [{1: 2}, {3: 4}, {5: 6}, {7: 8}])

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[10] = (first_islice(dl,key='a') == [1, 2])
rslts[11] = (first_islice(dl,mode='value',value='b') == [3, 4])
rslts[12] = (first_islice(dl,mode='kv',key='c',value='c') == [5, 6])

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[13] = (last_islice(dl,key='a') == [7, 8])
rslts[14] = (last_islice(dl,mode='value',value='b') == [9, 10])
rslts[15] = (last_islice(dl,mode='kv',key='c',value='c') == [11, 12])

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[16] = (all_islice(dl,key='a') == [[1, 2], [7, 8]])
rslts[17] = (all_islice(dl,mode='value',value='b') == [[3, 4], [9, 10]])
rslts[18] = (all_islice(dl,mode='kv',key='c',value='c') == [[5, 6], [11, 12]])

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[19] = (indexes(dl,key='a') == [1, 2, 7, 8]])
rslts[20] = (indexes(dl,mode='value',value='b') == [3, 4, 9, 10])
rslts[21] = (indexes(dl,mode='kv',key='a',value='y') == [2,8])

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[22] = (first_index(dl,key='a') == 1)
rslts[23] = (first_index(dl,mode='value',value='b') == 3)
rslts[24] = (first_index(dl,mode='kv',key='a',value='y') == 2)

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[25] = (last_index(dl,key='a') == 8)
rslts[26] = (last_index(dl,mode='value',value='b') == 10)
rslts[27] = (last_index(dl,mode='kv',key='a',value='y') == 8)

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:'a'},{2:'b'},{3:'c'}]
rslts[28] = (append(dl,'k','v') == [{1: 'a'}, {2: 'b'}, {3: 'c'}, {'k': 'v'}])
dl = [{1:'a'},{2:'b'},{3:'c'}]
rslts[29] = (prepend(dl,'k','v') == [{'k': 'v'}, {1: 'a'}, {2: 'b'}, {3: 'c'}])

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:'a'},{2:'b'},{3:'c'}]
rslts[30] = (insert(dl,1,'k','v') == [{1: 'a'}, {'k': 'v'},{2: 'b'}, {3: 'c'}])
dl = [{1:'a'},{2:'b'},{3:'c'}]
dl2 = [{'k1':'v1'},{'k2':'v2'}]
rslts[31] = (insert_dlist(dl,1,dl2) == [{1: 'a'}, {'k1':'v1'},{'k2':'v2'},{'k': 'v'},{2: 'b'}, {3: 'c'}])

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[32] = (include(dl,key='b') == False)
rslts[33] = (include(dl,mode='value',value='b') == True)
rslts[34] = (include(dl,mode='kv',key='a',value='y') == True)

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[35] = (count(dl,key='a') == 4)
rslts[36] = (count(dl,mode='value',value='b') == 4)
rslts[37] = (count(dl,mode='kv',key='a',value='y') == 2)

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[38] = (pop(dl,mode='key',key='a') == [{'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}])
rslts[39] = (dl == [{1: 2}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}] )
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[40] = (pop_range(dl,1,4) == [{'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {3: 'b'}])
rslts[41] = (dl == [{1: 2}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}])
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[42] = (pop_seqs(dl,[0,2,4]) == [{1: 2}, {'a': 'y'}, {5: 'b'}])
rslts[43] = (dl = [{'a': 'x'}, {3: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}])

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[44] = (rm_first(dl,key='a') == [{1: 2}, {'a': 'y'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}])
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[45] = (rm_first(dl,mode='value',value='b') == [{1: 2}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}])
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[46] = (rm_first(dl,mode='kv',key='a',value='y') == [{1: 2}, {'a': 'x'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}])

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[47] = (rm_last(dl,key='a') == [{1: 2}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'a': 'x'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}])
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[48] = (rm_last(dl,mode='value',value='b') == [{1: 2}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {3: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}])
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[49] = (rm_last(dl,mode='kv',key='a',value='y') == [{1: 2}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'a': 'x'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}])

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[47] = (rm_all(dl,key='a') == [{1: 2}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}])
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[48] = (rm_all(dl,mode='value',value='b') == [{1: 2}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}])
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[49] = (rm_all(dl,mode='kv',key='a',value='y') == [{1: 2}, {'a': 'x'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'a': 'x'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}])

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[53] =(reverse(dl) == [{'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {5: 'b'}, {3: 'b'}, {'a': 'y'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {5: 'b'}, {3: 'b'}, {'a': 'y'}, {'a': 'x'}, {1: 2}])

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[54] = (sort(dl) == [{1: 2}, {3: 'b'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {'a': 'y'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}])
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[55] = (sort(dl,mode='vk') == [{1: 2}, {3: 'b'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {'a': 'y'}])
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[56] = (sort(dl,mode='key') == [{1: 2}, {3: 'b'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}])
dl = [{1:2},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'},{'a':'x'},{'a':'y'},{3:'b'},{5:'b'},{'c':'c'},{'c':'c'}]
rslts[57] = (sort(dl,mode='value') == [{1: 2}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {3: 'b'}, {5: 'b'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'c': 'c'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'x'}, {'a': 'y'}, {'a': 'y'}])

from dlist import *
dl1 = [{1:2},{3:4},{5:6},{7:8}]
dl2 = [{3:4},{5:6}]
rslts[58] = (comprise(dl1,dl2) == True)
rslts[59] = (comprise(dl1,dl2,strict=True) == False)

from dlist import *
d = {1:2}
rslts[62] = (dict2tuple(d) == (1, 2))
t = (1, 2)
rslts[63] = (tuple2dict(t) == {1:2})

from dlist import *
dl = [{1:2},{3:4},{5:6},{7:8}]
rslts[60] = (dlist2tlist(dl) == [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8)])
tl = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8)]
rslts[61] = (tlist2dlist(tl) == [{1:2},{3:4},{5:6},{7:8}])

from dlist import *
d1 = {1:2}
d2 = {2:1}
rslts[64] = (cmp_dele(d1,d2,mode='key') == -1)
rslts[65] = (cmp_dele(d1,d2,mode='value') == 1)
d3 = {3:4}
d4 = {3:5}
rslts[66] = (cmp_dele(d3,d4,mode='kv') == -1)
d5 = {7:6}
d6 = {8:6}
rslts[67] = (cmp_dele(d5,d6,mode='vk') == 1)
rslts[68] = (cmp_dele(d5,d5) == 0)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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