drf-ignore-slash-middleware 0.0.1

Creator: danarutscher

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drfignoreslashmiddleware 0.0.1

# drf-ignore-slash-middlewareDjango middleware that makes urls ending with and without slashes equivalentWhen using [DRF](https://www.django-rest-framework.org) routers you have a choice to either have urls end with trailing slash (default) or not. i.e `DefaultRouter(trailing_slash=False)`. You can't however have it both ways, as in ignore them.This package defines a very simple middleware class that removes trailing slashes from urls if they have one.So in order to ignore trailing slashes and have `/api/some_url` be equivalent to `/api/some_url/` simply install the package and add the middleware class as the first entry in the MIDDLEWARE list. Please note that middleware [changed in django 1.10](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/topics/http/middleware/) and this this pacakge requires django version >= 1.10.```pythonMIDDLEWARE = [ # Should be first entry 'drf_ignore_slash_middleware.SlashIgnoreMiddleware', # Rest of your middleware]```


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