extBrightness 1.0.4

Creator: bradpython12

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extBrightness 1.0.4

Copyright Jörg Mäder - 2016-05-05 - Version 1.0.4 - http://www.toolcase.org/app/linux/extBrightness
This tool allows to control brightness and gamma for all connected
screens on a X11 system (which is the case for the most linux systems).
extBrightness can be used using the terminal or the implemented GUI.
HINT: This tool is a software solution and works additional to the
hardware settings of your screens. The hardware settings will not be changed!
(I simply don’t know how)

Command line options

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-b NUM
set brightness (float between 0.0 - 1.999 or integer
between 2 - 200)

set brightness by increment. Hint: To small changes
may not work

-c, --count
count the connected screens

Limit action to this Screen. Use ‘a’ for all, ‘p’ for
primary and ‘np’ for non-primary

set gamma correction. Either one or three float values
between 0 and 10 separated by ‘:’

list screens, together with ‘-v’ the current values
are shown.

show key of primary screen, use -v for more details

reset (set brightness to 100% and gamma to 1)

set gamma using a temperature in Kelvin

undo last changes (saved in profile [last])

set the brightness to 0 or to the last value if it is
already 0

verbose output including the xrandr command which
was used to set the new values.

show user interface after processing the other options
(default if no option is present)

show current version

Apply changes using xrandr even nothing has changed

do not apply changes but show potential results

--file FILE
file used for saving profiles and other settings
(default: ~/.extBrightness.xml)

-P NAME, --profile-load NAME
load profile

--profile-save NAME
save current values as profile. If option –gui is
used too, the final values of it will be saved!

--profile-delete NAME
delete profile

--profile-show NAME
show profile

list all profiles. Use ‘-v’ too for displaying the
saved values.

This program may set all your screens to complete darkness (brightness = 0). For such a situation it is a good idea
to have a key binding on your system to the gui of extBrightness. After it is started you just have to hit [r]
and all screens are set to 100% brightness and gamma 1.
If you use option --profile-save NAME and --gui together, the final values from the gui
are saved to the profile NAME.
With extBrightness -d np -D you can switch all external screens off and on again. Please check before,
if one of your screens is set as primary! If you are not sure use extBrightness -p. If the output is empty,
you have to define a screen as primary first (typically using your OS settings > screens > select one > set primary).
The values applied (by xrandr) to your system are not necessary exactly the same as you use in the options. Therefore small
changes may not have always an effect. Of course, you can bidn this command to a key using your OS to make it even more easy.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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