fastchain 1.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

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fastchain 1.0.1


fastchain (functions' chain) is a python3 tool aiming to ease piping functions by safely chaining
results from a function to the other sequentially or simultaneously and reporting failures without breaking the main program.
It provides tools needed for designing a process pipeline like grouping and branching, tools for creating
your own components, and tools for monitoring and debugging the chain process. All with easy and pythonic syntax.
This system designed based on a philosophy of low-latency use in favour of cold-starts,
in other words the chain and its components should be prepared when your program starts and be ready for use
with minimal to no configuration needed, keep it in mind when designing your chains and completely
separate configuration state (constant process values) that each function needs from pure input data that it expects,
that will improve the performance of your program for sure.
And for this reason it is recommended and best suited to live
in running images or any running service instead of a serverless function.
The main benefits

Automation :
Automate any data processing pipelines just by passing your functions in the right logical order,
then you just need to call one and the rest will be performed automatically.
Decoupling :
Lowers code dependency, so you can create components and function in different
modules and call them in one place, no function needs to know about the other.
Cohesiveness :
Encourages you to create functions that have a single responsibility and chain them as units instead
of chaining a function that has it internal sequence.
Flexibility :
Refactoring a sequence is a lot easier and safer, you can easily modify the structure of your process
flow, combine two, or reuse a part of one in the other.
Scalability :
Adding more functionality and branching is simpler, you can nest as many structures as you need and design
complex flows faster.
Simplicity :
Providing and easy and intuitive syntax, you don't need to learn a lot to start using it
because you get what you expect, and it's easier to visualize the process flow by just looking at the structure.
Typing :
Encourages you to use annotations (type hinting), you'll get more support, warnings and debugging
information if you use type hints, but you can still skip it...
Isolation :
Each of your functions is converted into a node that runs safely, if it fails (raises an exception)
your main program will not break but only this chain will stop and report the issue.
Monitoring :
You can plug a callback function into the chain, it will be called with a report after each time this
chain is executed, and if any failure occurs the reporter will pinpoint the source and give you detailed information
about the issue reducing the debugging time and effort. You can also activate logging, so you get live log feeds after each step.
Performance :
This library has been developed with performance in mind, and it will always aim for improving it by time
as long as there is room for better optimization.
Support :
This is an actively maintained project, I myself rely on it in other projects and if there's any discovered
bug it will soon be fixed, after all it's fully tested and test cases will be added regularly.
Standalone :
This project has no third party dependencies that need to be installed, it only relies on the python
standard libraries.
Integrability :
It is easy to use it with other libraries and frameworks as it is a thin layer around your functions,
and it supports either ways of integration, to be integrated in or to integrate other tools.

The need
As a lazy developer among many, repetitive tasks such as validating and handling errors (or any tedious
task) for each step is tiring and takes away the joy and focus from the main idea of a program,
fastchain was created mainly to automate chaining functions for data processing purposes
designed to live on a remote server and get notified if an anomaly occurs
without breaking the whole system and be able to adapt quickly to change,
reducing the refactoring energy you have to put if one of your sources changed slightly.
Read more about this tool, it might just be a solution or an improvement for one of your projects.
This is just a utility not a complete framework, the targeted audience are developers the do any kind
of data processing with a series of functions that could fail at any step.
You can pip-install it fastchain by running the command
pip install fastchain

Main API
This package contains some funny names that you'll get used to, but when you read 'chainable function'
that means a functions that takes exactly one positional argument (or one positional first argument and optional others)
and returns a value, that value will be the input for the next chainable function and so on...
The main objects that you'll be using are Chain instances,
the constructor takes the following arguments:

*chainables are positional arguments that define the structure of your workflow, this is where
you'll be passing your chainable functions and other supported types that will be shown in the examples bellow,
passing no chainable will raise a ValueError.
title is a required keyword argument, it must be a non-empty string,
and it should be unique in your program. this string is what identifies your chain in reports, logs ...
the chain will warn you if you duplicate names.
callback is an optional keyword argument default to None, and it should be a function that
will be called back when the chain call ends, it must take the Report object as the only (positional) argument
and return nothing. Even as it's optional it is highly recommended to pass it because this is a major
benefit of this package.
log is an optional keyword argument default to False, if set to true; the errors will be
logged using the standard logging module.

A chain can be called with an input value and return the last output result.
Let say that we want to calculate the rounded square root of a number given as a string,
from math import sqrt
from fastchain import Chain

rounded_square_root = Chain(float, sqrt, round, title='rounded_square_root', callback=print)

if __name__ == '__main__':
result = rounded_square_root(" 17 ")
assert result == 4
assert isinstance(result, int)

The result will be an integer 4, this simple sequence works like this:
" 17 " -> [float] -> 17.0 -> [sqrt] -> 4.123105625617661 -> [round] -> 4

In fact this is overly simplified for example purposes, stripping out the decision nodes...
The chain will also report that 3 operations succeeded and 0 failed.
In fact, we passed the builtin print function as callback,
the report will be printed to the standard output like this:
REPORT: 'rounded_square_root'
SUMMARY: all components have succeeded
3 completed components (3 completed operations)
0 failed components (0 failed operations)

Now if we call square_root with an invalid string like "a34" the chain will fail at the first function :
"a34" -> [float] !! "ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'a34'" -> None

This time the chain will report 0 operations succeeded and 1 failed, the Report object will contain
all the information in case of failure such as the exception object itself (Exception type, exception message and traceback ...) ,
the full title of the failing component (function) in this case it will be 'rounded_square_root :: float (0, 0)',
it follows this pattern [chain's name] :: [component's name] [absolute position] and (0, 0) means the first component
on the main sequence, the given input, the returned output, the root and the previous components.
The string aspect of the report will be as this:
REPORT: 'rounded_square_root'
SUMMARY: no component has succeeded
0 completed components (0 completed operations)
1 failed components (1 failed operations)
rounded_square_root :: float (0, 0):
- input: 'a34'
output: None
error: ValueError("could not convert string to float: 'a34'")
root: '([float(?) -> ?] => [sqrt(?) -> ?] => [round(?) -> ?])'
previous: 'None'

There might be other failing scenarios for example if we pass "-5" to square_root :
"-5" -> [float] -> -5.0 -> [sqrt] !! "ValueError: math domain error" -> None

And that will report 1 operations succeeded and 1 failed ...

This is a wrapper function that lets you pass some additional metadata together with the functions,
it takes a function as a positional argument and these two optional keyword arguments:

title is optional, and it must be a non-empty str, this will override the name of the decorated function.
if no title is passed the default will be the function's __qualname__.
default is optional, it specifies the default value to be returned in case of failure, the default is None.

chainable can be used in two different ways, either as a function :
from fastchain import chainable

def func(number: int) -> int:
return 2 * number

new_func = chainable(func, title='double')

or as a decorator
from fastchain import chainable

def func(number: int) -> int:
return number * 2

And this is useful in cases like the following :

Use case 1: renaming a function such as lambda functions to be more informative :

Chain( ..., chainable(lambda x: x*2, title='double'), ..., title=... )

Now if the function fails at this function the reported name will be 'double' instead of '<lambda>'
It is bad practice to pass a raw lambda function, naming them makes it easy to identify.

Use case 2: setting the default value if the function fails :

Chain( ..., chainable(int, default=0), ..., title=... )

If the function fails here the returned value will be 0 instead of None
This is useful when the type or value matters regardless of the success state, and that if you're using a strict
validation system such as pydantic
Note that you can use both chainable(lambda x: x*2, title='double', default=0) or
none chainable(lambda x: x*2), but using none is the same as passing lambda x: x*2 itself.

funfact stands for function factory, it is a decorator, and it has the same purpose as fastchain.chainable()
but it decorates higher order functions (or function factories) and those are functions that produce functions.
this is useful when you need to prepare some settings then output a function...
You need to use this decorator in scenarios like those:

Use case 1: need to prepare some state to be ready for use

from fastchain import funfact

def my_func(*args, **kwargs):
def func(arg: list[str]) -> str:

# do some expensive initializations and preparations
# based on *args and **kwargs
return func

my_func now takes *args and **kwargs and two extra keyword arguments
title and default like chainable()
Calling my_func now acts like calling chainable they both return a Wrapper
object that's used by Chain to create the right component.
def function_factory(*args, **kwargs):
def func(a: int) -> bool:
# some code here
return func

fun_config = function_factory(..., default=False)

Is similar to this
def function_factory(*args, **kwargs):
def func(a: int) -> bool:
# some code here
return func

fun_config = chainable(function_factory(...), default=False)

The only difference here as we didn't specify the title, the first one will be 'function_factory'
and the second one will be 'function_factory.<locals>.func'

Use case 2: need to slightly modify the behaviour of the function

def power(exponent: int):
def func(base: float) -> float:
return base ** exponent
return func

main_chain = Chain(..., power(2, title='square'), ..., power(3, title='cube'))

Use case 3: need to output a different functions for different a configurations

def some_func(validate: bool = False):
def func_with_validations(a: str) -> str:
def func_optimized_no_validations(a: str) -> str:
# some code here
return func_with_validations if validate else func_optimized_no_validations

Use case 4: need to use it as a class decorator

class MyCallable:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

def __call__(self, arg: list[int]) -> int:

If you want to use the class approach, you definitely must implement
the __call__ dunder method, otherwise an exception will be raised.
And if you call MyCallable without specifying the title, the default title will be MyCallable instance

Chain design options
Map option
This option useful when you have a function that returns a list, a tuple or any iterable, and you need to apply
the next function to each item instead of applying it to all the collection at once. for this fastchain offers
an easy syntax to mark the next functions as function that need to be mapped, and that by passing '*' before them.
Let's do some arithmetics again, consider that we have this string "-134.76, 103.4 , -89.34"
and we need to extract the rounded absolute value of each number.
from fastchain import Chain, funfact

def str_split(sep: str = None):
def split(text: str) -> list[str]:
return text.split(sep)

if not (isinstance(sep, str) or sep is None):
raise ValueError('sep must be a string')
return split

abs_rounded_values = Chain(
str_split(',', title='split_by_commas', default=[]),

if __name__ == '__main__':
result = abs_rounded_values("-134.76, 103.4 , -89.34")
assert list(result) == [135, 103, 89]

It works like this:
| "-134.76" -> (float) -...-> (round) -> 135 |
"-134.76, 103.4 , -89.34" -> (split) -> ["-134.76", ...] -> (*) ->| " 103.4 " -> (float) -...-> (round) -> 103 | -> (list) -> [135, 103, 89]
| " -89.34" -> (float) -...-> (round) -> 89 |

Again this is overly simplified, the ChainMapperOption produces a generator, it gets evaluated lazily
when we applied list(). and this is an optimization detail
And yes, we can choose the type of collection (e.g list, tuple, set, ...) right inside the chain,
refer to the next examples down bellow...
Advantages (Reminder)
Basically you can achieve the same result by creating a function like this :
def abs_rounded_values(text: str, sep=','):
"""gets the absolute rounded values from a string of numbers"""
return (round(abs(float(item))) for item in text.split(sep))

But using a chain instead of function that do it all has better advantages :

It gives you flexibility, so you can insert, substitute or remove a step in your workflow in one place.
It gives you scalability, the chain parses its elements recursively, so you can nest and group workflows
as deep as you need, more on that down bellow.
It gives you readability, you can easily see and design the structure of your workflow.
It gives you fault tolerance and debugging information, and that is the most important:

Imagine that you have a backend app, and you get "534,abc" , the app will break when trying to
convert 'abc' into a float, or you need to refactor your functions and add some nested try...except
blocks and manually then add specific handlers for each step then attach some callback, maybe add some loggings...,
and you see that gets uglier quickly, and it's far less scalable and more error-prone...
By using the fist approach (fastchain.Chain), this is handled by default, in case of failures like this,
it will return a default value without breaking your code,
and calling your report callback with all the details,
the report callback can be a function that you create, it should get the report object and perform some logic on it,
like analysing it, and then dispatching some kind of event such as sending notifications...

Grouping option
This is used for grouping a sequence of chainable functions, by default there is only one group, and it's the main
sequence you provide to fastchain.Chain, but in some cases you might need to use subgroups, and you do that by
surrounding the chainable functions by ().
This is mostly needed to mark an end for a mapped sequence.
Say that we have this raw data feed :
"text-1, text-2, text-3"
And we want it to be like this :

The code can be like that :
from fastchain import Chain, funfact, chainable

def add_tag(tag_name: str, ):
def tag_func(text: str) -> str:
return f"<{tag_name}>{text}</{tag_name}>"

return tag_func

pipeline = Chain(
chainable(lambda x: x.split(','), title='split_articles'),
add_tag('div', title='add_div_tag'),
chainable(lambda x: ''.join(x), title='join_articles'),
add_tag('main', title='add_main_tag'),

The steps are performed like :
| "text-1" -> "text-1" -> "<div>text-1</div>" |
"text-1, text-2, text-3" -> ["text-1", " text-2", " text-3"] ->| " text-2" -> "text-2" -> "<div>text-2</div>" | -> "<div>text-1</div><div>text-2</div><div>text-3</div> ->"<main><div>text-1</div><div>text-2</div><div>text-3</div></main>"
| " text-3" -> "text-3" -> "<div>text-3</div>" |

Without grouping the fist part, the results wouldn't be reunited, here's two cases :
With grouping ()
|-> [str.strip] -> [add_div_tag] |
(start) -> [split_articles] -> [*] -> |-> [str.strip] -> [add_div_tag] |-> [join_articles] -> [add_main_tag] -> (end)
|-> [str.strip] -> [add_div_tag] |

Without grouping ()
|-> [str.strip] -> [add_div_tag] -> [join_articles] -> [add_main_tag] |
(start) -> [split_articles] -> [*] -> |-> [str.strip] -> [add_div_tag] -> [join_articles] -> [add_main_tag] |-> (end)
|-> [str.strip] -> [add_div_tag] -> [join_articles] -> [add_main_tag] |

Grouping is also required when creating a sub-chain, the example bellow makes use of that
Elements between () get packed into a ChainGroup object.
ChainGroup objects fails if ANY of it elements fail.

Branching option
This option is useful when you get to a step that needs to be branched, in other words multiple sub-chains depends on
the same previous result, each branch should have a unique name, the syntax for this is a dict
that maps branches' names str to a chainable function, group of chainables, a dictionary or any other supported option...
You can achieve this by providing a dictionary of instructions (called Chain model) and getting back a dictionary of results.
Let say we have a string representing a list of numbers "1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 4, 0, 1, 8, 9, 0, 1, 4, 2, 1, 2, 2, 4, 1, 0, 6"
and we want to perform some statistics on them.
from statistics import mode, mean, median
from fastchain import Chain, chainable

analyze_numbers = Chain(
chainable(lambda x: x.split(','), title='split_by_commas'),
'max': max,
'min': min,
'mode': mode,
'mean': (mean, chainable(lambda dn: round(dn, 2), title='round_2d')),
'median': median,

if __name__ == '__main__':
from pprint import pp

result = analyze_numbers("1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 4, 0, 1, 8, 9, 0, 1, 4, 2, 1, 2, 2, 4, 1, 0, 6")

The result will be like that:
{'max': 9, 'min': 0, 'mode': 1, 'mean': 2.71, 'median': 2}

If everything goes without failing, the process will be like that :
analyze_numbers / max : (1, 2, ...) -> 9 |
| '1' -> 1 | analyze_numbers / min : (1, 2, ...) -> 0 |
"1, 2, ..." -> ["1", " 2", ...] -> | ' 2' -> 2 | -> analyze_numbers / mode : (1, 2, ...) -> 1 |-> {'max': 9, ...}
| ... | analyze_numbers / median: (1, 2, ...) -> 2 |
analyze_numbers / mean : (1, 2, ...) -> 2.7142857142857144 -> 2,71 |

If a failure occurs in the third step (int), the error will be reported under the title analyze_numbers :: int (0, 0, 2)
with analyze_numbers being the title of the chain int being the name of the node and (0, 0, 2) being its
absolute position (second 0 indicates the first subgroup and 2 indicates the third item in it)
But if a failure occurs inside the model, say in round function, the error will be reported under the title
analyze_numbers / mean :: round_2d (0, 1, 1) giving you the branch information, the component's name and the position,
as it is the second in its main chain.
The dict gets converted into a ChainModel object
ChainModel objects fails if ALL it branches fail.

This is just an introduction, fastchain documentation is intended to be created later and that will cover in depth
usage and more example, it will also cover object documentation ChainModel, ChainGroup, ChainFunc, and
Report objects.
Meanwhile, if you're an early user, those objects support help() method and can be represented with repr(),
and everything is typed and has it own docstring.
After all this project is fully based on python, explore it yourself, it'll be fun.
Upcoming features

Support for concurrency, to allow async functions or a mix of coroutines and normal functions and better performance for IO bound operations.
Serialization of chains (json probably), and make it possible to modify and load predefined chains without touching the code.
Adding more predefined utilities, templates and shortcuts for frequent structures.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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