fastorm 0.0.17

Creator: bradpython12

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fastorm 0.0.17

ORM for async postgres
FastORM is a modern, fast (async), database library for projects with Python 3.10+ based on standard Python type hints.
The key features are:

Async postgres
Tested to work with Python 3.10

pip install fastorm


See for more examples.

Let's define some tables, to show off the capabilities.
class State(str, Enum):
RUNNING = 'running'
ABORTED = 'stopped'
COMPLETED = 'done'
# end class

class User(FastORM):
_ignored_fields = []
_primary_keys = ['id']
_automatic_fields = ['id']
_table_name = 'user'

id: Optional[int] # Optional because automatically filled (_automatic_fields)
name: str

class Auction(FastORM):
_ignored_fields = []
_primary_keys = ['id']
_automatic_fields = ['id']
_table_name = 'auction'

id: Optional[int] # Optional because automatically filled (_automatic_fields)
owner: Union[int, User] # can be provided by int or the native object
previous_owner: Optional[User] # Optional because nullable
state: State # Enum support :D
title: str
subtitle: Optional[str] # nullable
description: str
start_date: datetime # datetime support
end_date: datetime
metadata: JSONType
deleted: bool
chat_id: int

Now you can quickly write classes to the database:
conn = await FastORM.create_connection('postgresql://user:password@postgres_host/database')

user = User(id=None, name="hunter24") # id will be filled by the database
await owner_user.insert(conn=conn) # set's the id, too.

auction = Auction(
id=None, # gonna be automatic if `insert(…, ignore_setting_automatic_fields=False)` (default).
# two ways of setting references to other tables:
# by the actual value, in this case the numeric id,
# or via a different object,
# it will use the id field (internally set by `User._primary_keys`) to determine the actual values.
state=State.RUNNING, # enum will be a string in the database
title="I sell my soul", subtitle="Slightly used",
description="You only get a share though, others claim ownership, too.",, + timedelta(days=5), # datetimes just works
metadata={"just": ["json", "stuff", 111,]}, # will be native JSONB. You can have datetimes and your own classes in there as well, see `FastORM._set_up_connection`.
chat_id=9223372036854775807, # note, this database field must be BIGINT for such large numbers
await auction.insert(conn=conn)

Basic lookups are easy, too.
# single lookup, returns one element or None
user = await User.get(name="hunter24")
user = await User.get(id=1234)

# list of results (list can have length 0)
all_running_auctions =

Of course updating and deleting is possible too.
auction.state = State.COMPLETED
await auction.update()

await user.delete()


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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