finalynx-assistant 0.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

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finalynxassistant 0.0.1

Finary Assistant

Built with ❤︎ by
Pierre Laclau
and contributors.
Logo generated by Midjourney.

Finary Assistant is a command-line tool to organize your investments portfolio and get automated monthly investment recommendations based on your future life goals.
This tool synchronizes with your Finary account to show real-time investment values.
Don't have Finary yet? You can sign up using my referral link :sparkles: (or through the default page).

✨ Features

✅ Portfolio: Organize your assets, set targets, and sync with your Finary account.
⏳ Analyzer: Generate global statistics and graphs to understand each line and folder.
⏳ Simulator: Define your life goals and events, simulate your portfolio's future.
⏳ Assistant: Get monthly recommendations on where to invest next to meet your goals.
🙏 Extensions: Make this tool work for other people's situations. Contributions needed!
🙏 Optional: Nice but out-of-my-skills or time-consuming features. Any volunteers?

You can check the current development status. Contributions are warmly welcome!
🚀 Installation
If you don't plan on touching the code, simply run (with python 3.8 and pip installed):
pip install finary_assistant

And you're done! Now create your own copy of the example anywhere. You can try to run the demo first to make sure everything works. Now go customize it for your own needs 🚀
Pro Tip: Why not setup a script to autorun this project in a new terminal at startup? Could be a nice view 🤭

Clone this repository using the --recursive option to include finary_api:

git clone --recursive
# If you forgot --recursive: git submodule update --init --recursive

Install the project in editable mode:

cd finary_assistant && pip install -e .

Try the assistant with:

python examples/

If you see a template portfolio tree and your investments detected from Finary, then welcome to the (small) team! 🎉 Now create your own copy of the demo file and go customize it for your own needs (the name assistant_config is recommended as it is ignored from git):
cp examples/ # <- Your own portfolio here

⚙️ Usage
The goal is to declare a tree structure of your entire portfolio investments independently from their host envelopes (e.g. PEA, AV, CTO, etc). Define your own asset-based global strategy without feeling constrainted by keeping similar assets in common envelopes. Once your entire portfolio strategy is defined here, find the best envelope for each line and add them to your Finary account (manual or automatic sync). Assistant will fetch each line and display your full portfolio with real-time amounts.
To create your portfolio, start with a Portfolio object which holds a nested list of Line, Folder, and SharedFolder objects:

Line represents each individual investment. Set the key parameter as the name shown in your Finary account if different from the display name.
Folder holds a group of lines or subfolders to create a structure.
SharedFolder accepts a Bucket object which groups multiple lines as a single object. You can reference the same bucket multiple times in the tree and set different bucket_amount for each shared folder. Each folder will only take the provided amount and let others use the rest.

Finally, any object in the structure accepts an optional Target. See the implementation guidelines below.
Here is an example of a portfolio structure:
# Create a list of Lines that will be considered as a single Line.
my_bucket = Bucket([
Line('My Asset 1', key='name_in_finary'),
Line('My Asset 2', key='name_in_finary'),
# ...

# Define your entire portfolio structure
portfolio = Portfolio('My Portfolio', children=[
# Add a list of `Line`, `Folder`, and `SharedFolder` objects
Folder('Short term', children=[
Line('My Asset 3', key='name_in_finary'),
SharedFolder('My Folder', bucket=my_bucket, bucket_amount=1000),
# ...
Folder('Long term', children=[
# Folders can be displayed as Expanded (default), Collapsed, or as a Line
Folder('Stocks', display=FolderDisplay.COLLAPSED, children=[
SharedFolder('My Folder', bucket=my_bucket), # display what's left in the bucket
# ...
# ...

Any node in the tree accepts an optional target parameter. See the full list of available targets here. Here is an example:
Folder('Stocks', target=TargetMin(2000, tolerance=500), children=[
Line('ETF World', key='Amundi ETF ...', target=TargetRatio(80, tolerance=5)),
# ... Other lines with the remaining 20% of the Stocks folder.

👨‍💻 Contributions
This repository is at a very early stage. If you'd like to contribute, please open an issue and ask me to write a detailed documentation! For new features or bug fixes, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests, issues and open discussions are warmly welcome!
Unfortunately, I won't have time to make this tool work for everyone by default, but you are welcome to extend this project yourself (or hire me if you can't develop it yourself). Pull requests are welcome to create a useful tool for everyone!
📄 License
This project is under the GPLv3 License meaning anyone can use, share, extend, and contribute to this project as long as their changes are integrated to this repo or also published using GPLv3. Please contact me for any specific licensing requests.
💌 Donations

This is a personal project I have fun with on my free time. If you found it useful and wish to support my work, you can buy me a coffee! It would give me the motivation to keep improving it further :smile: Thank you!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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