FLPFile 0.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

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FLPFile 0.2.0

A simple Python3 FL Studio Project File / stream parser / decoder


The top-level namespace is FLP, which contains two classes: FLP.FLPFile and FLP.FLPTrack.

Class FLP.FLPFile
Represents a FL Studio Project data file. FLP.FLPFile objects are iterable and array-like.

FLP.FLPFile.__init__(self, filename)

the name of an SMF file to read and parse. Raises an exception if the file does not exist / cannot be read.


Determine whether the file starts with a FLP header; returns True if it does, False otherwise.

Parse the file. Determines the file’s type and populates an array of content tracks, each of which contains one track from the file and is represented by a FLP.FLPTrack instance.

The number of tracks in the file (0 if parse has not yet been invoked).

Iterates over the tracks in the file

FLP.FLPFile.__get_item__(self, n)
A FLP.FLPTrack object, representing the n’th track in the file (or throws a RangeError if n is out of range)

Useful information about the file as a whole, number of tracks and their sizes

If self is an FLP.FLPFile instance then

Time quantum of the Fl Studio data encoded in the file (or None if the parse method has not yet been invoked).

Class FLP.FLPTrack
Class representing a single track from an FL Studio project file, or a collection of FLP events. FLP.FLPTrack objects are iterable and array-like.

FLP.FLPTrack.__init__(self, data)

binary string or array
data comprising one track from an FL Studio Project file, or a sequence of FLP events

So, for example

track = Track(data)
initialises track for parsing data representing a track taken from an FL Studio Project file; while
track = Track(data)
initialises track for parsing data consisting of a sequence of one or more raw FLP events, e.g. captured from an observed FLP stream.


Parse the track into an array of events, ordered based on their appearance in the track. Events are represented by instances of FLP.chunks.Event.

Returns the number of messages in the track (0 if parse has not yet been invoked).

Iterates over the events / messages in the track, in the order in which they appeared.

FLP.FLPTrack.__get_item__(self, n)
Returns a FLP.chunks.Event instance representing the n’th event in the track (or throws a RangeError if n is out of range).

Returns string representations of all the track’s events, concatenated and separated by newline '\n'.

Class FLP.chunks.Event
Represents a general event as found in FL Project files. Specific kinds of event are represented by subclasses (for which, see below).


FLP.chunks.Event.__init__(self, buffer)

binary string or array
bytes making up the event.


The total length of the event.

String representation of the event. By default, a representation of the raw bytes as a binary string.

If self is an FLP.chunks.Event instance then

the timestamp with which the event instance was initialised; measured in units of the quantum of time defined by the value of the division property of the FLP.FLPFile instance containing the track of which this event forms a part.

the event’s initial byte, which serves to identify its kind.

binary string or array containing the event’s body, i.e. its data content, with the header byte and other formatting removed

Specialisations of this class, describing specific kinds of FL Studio event, offer various dynamically generated read-only properties, describing properties specific to them. Each kind of event makes efforts to represent the message content in the most appropriate manner.

Included in the package is the following simple test script:

from FLP import FLPFile
from sys import argv

def parse(file):
for idx, track in enumerate(c):
print(f'Track {idx}:')


The first few lines of the output from applying this to a FL Studio Project file are as follows:
Header is Format 0x0 nTracks 0x2 division 0x60
Buffer32 has length 4
Format 0x0 nTracks 0x2 division 0x60
Track 0 of length 0
Track 0:
VAR 199(Version) =
DWORD 159(Unknown) = 589824
BYTE 28(Registered) = 1 (01)
BYTE 37(Unknown) = 1
VAR 200(RegName) = \@Fz0b879vDC>?CD;;
DWORD 156(FineTempo) = 3235119360 (C0D40100)
WORD 67(CurrentPatNum) = 256 (0100)
BYTE 9(LoopActive) = 1 (01)
BYTE 11(Shuffle) = 0 (00)
WORD 80(MainPitch) = 0 (0000)
BYTE 17(Numerator) = 4 (04)
BYTE 18(Denominator) = 4 (04)
BYTE 35(Unknown) = 1
BYTE 23(PanVolumeTab) = 0 (00)
BYTE 30(TruncateClipNotes) = 1 (01)
BYTE 10(ShowInfo) = 0 (00)
VAR 194(Title) =
VAR 206(Genre) =
VAR 207(Author) =
VAR 202(ProjDataPath) =
VAR 195(Comment) =
VAR 237(ProjectTime) = 10 DF D7 ED 3B A4 E5 40 00 00 00 E0 C9 BE 32 3F
VAR 231(ChanGroupName) = Audio
VAR 231(ChanGroupName) = Unsorted
DWORD 146(CurrentFilterNum) = 0 (00000000)
VAR 216(CtrlRecChan) =
VAR 226(RemoteCtrl_MIDI) = 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 90 FF 0F 04 00 00 00 D5 01 00 00
VAR 226(RemoteCtrl_MIDI) = FD 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 90 FF 0F 04 00 00 00 D5 01 00 00
VAR 226(RemoteCtrl_MIDI) = FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 04 00 FF 0F 04 00 00 00 00 FE FF FF
WORD 64(NewChan) = 0 (0000)
BYTE 21(ChannelType) = 0 (00)
VAR 201(DefPluginName) =
VAR 212(NewPlugin) = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C2 00 00 00 16 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
VAR 203(PluginName) = Sampler

FLPFile is a pure python module requiring Python 3.6 or later to run (this could be reduced by using more long-winded equivalents to Python 3.6’s f'...{x}' string interpolation syntax).
It is known to run on MacOS and Linux. It should run on Windows, but then, nothing is certain when Windows is involved, is it? Attempts to make it run on Windows are at your own risk.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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