
Creator: coderz1093

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flutter lightbox

A Simple Lightbox Component for Flutter with swiping and thumbnail capabilities, supports many customisation features.
If you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to raise issues or contribute by creating pull requests.
Demo #

Features #

Supports Image.Asset and Image.Network
Swiping left and right
Animation for Swiping
Clickable Thumbnails

Example Usage #
Wrap your images with an InkWell and add this to the onTap function().
context: context,
pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, Animation animation,
Animation secondaryAnimation) {
return LightBox(
initialIndex: index,
images: images,
imageType: ImageType.network
copied to clipboard
For example of usage, please refer to example.
Customisation #

blur - background blur
animationType - Curves (reference)
animationDuration - how long is the swipe animation


initialIndex - initial image shown
imageWidth - width of Image
imageHeight - height of Image
imageFit - BoxFit of Image
imageType - ImageType of Image (assetImage, network)


thumbNailWidth - width of thumbnail
thumbNailHeight - height of thumbnail
thumbNailBorderSize - size of thumbnail border
thumbNailBorderRadius - border radius of thumbnail
thumbNailFocusedBorderColor - thumbnail focused border color
thumbNailUnFocusedBorderColor - thumbnail unfocused border color
thumbNailUnfocusedOpacity - thumbnail unfocused opacity
thumbNailGap - EdgeInset - how far apart are each thumbnail from one another
thumbNailFit - BoxFit of thumbnail
thumbNailMarginFromBottom - thumbnail margin bottom

Installation #
Run this command:
flutter pub add flutter_lightbox
copied to clipboard
Import It #
Now in your Dart Code, you can use:
import 'package:flutter_lightbox/flutter_lightbox.dart';
copied to clipboard


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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