fresco-static 0.4

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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frescostatic 0.4

Basic usage
pip install fresco-static

# If you want brotli compression enabled
pip install fresco-static[brotli]
Simple configuration:
from fresco import FrescoApp
from fresco_static import serve_directory, serve_file

app = FrescoApp()
app.route("/static", serve_directory("path/to/static/files"))
app.route("/favicon.ico"", serve_directory("path/to/favicon.ico"))
Advanced options:
app = FrescoApp()

# Specify custom headers. These will be set for all files served.
headers={"cache-control": "max-age 86400"},

# Compression algorithms to offer, in order of preference

# Directory to cache compressed copies of files. The same directory may
# safely be shared between instances

App-wide usage
These instructions are for creating a single StaticFiles object that serves
static requests across the entire application.
Create a fresco app:
app = FrescoApp()
Let’s assume this lives in an application that’s structured like this:
├── __init__.rst
├── static
│   └── photo.jpg
Once you have the app, you can create an instance of StaticFiles:
static = StaticFiles(app)
StaticFiles automatically adds routes for the path /static.
Static files will be available under /static/<packagename>/<path>
eg /static/mypackage/photo.jpg. You can change these defaults:
static = StaticFiles(app,
You can have multiple packages serving files through a single StaticFiles
object without fear of conflict.
Now you can start configuring static source directories:
# Mount directory '/www/mysite/htdocs'. The first argument is an arbitrary
# name used to identify this source. You can use whatever string you like.
static.add_directory('site-htdocs', '/site/htdocs', cache_max_age=60)

# Serve files located in a 'subdir' directory within the python package
# 'mypackage'
static.add_package('mypackage', 'subdir', cache_max_age=86400)
The cache_max_age argument specifies for how long (in seconds)
browsers and proxies can cache responses.
For development you might want to set this to zero,
but in production use you should
set this to a reasonable value and
configure a caching HTTP proxy server.
When adding source directories you can omit this argument, and the default
(configured when you created the StaticFiles object)
will be used instead.
static.pathfor generates URLs for static content.
You will probably want to include this
in your templating system’s default namespace. How you do that depends on how
you’ve integrated the templating system, but it would typically be something
like this:
templating.contextprocessor({'static': static.pathfor})
Call this in templates to link to static files, eg:
<!-- Reference a file from the "site-htdocs" source
<img src="{{ static('site-htdocs/photo.jpg') }}" alt="My photo" />

<!-- Reference a file from the "mypackage" source
<img src="{{ static('mypackage/photo.jpg') }}" alt="My photo" />

<!-- Path doesn't begin with a source name — all sources will be
searched for a matching file
<img src="{{ static('cat-pictures/miaow.gif') }}" alt="My photo" />

0.4 (released 2024-07-11)

Added view-based integration

0.3 (released 2024-05-02)

Added Python 3.12 support
Dropped support for Python 3.8 and older

0.2 (released 2018-08-01)

Source names are no longer required to be python identifiers


Initial release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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