galaxygetopt 0.9.8

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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galaxygetopt 0.9.8

You write stuff that looks like this, containing all of the information
you would ever need about a tool; options, test cases, metadata
from galaxygetopt.ggo import GalaxyGetOpt as GGO
c = GGO(
['int', 'An integer parameter', {'required': True, 'validate':
'Int', 'default': 10}],
['float', 'A float', {'required': True, 'validate': 'Float',
'default': 1e-4}],
['string', 'A string value', {'required': True, 'multiple': True,
'default': ['Hello', 'World'],
'validate': 'String'}],
And you get data back in a nice dict
{'int': 40, 'float': '1e-4', 'string': ['Hello', 'World'] }

Known Bugs
Currently there is a known bug in the galaxy XML, under highly specific
circumstances. If you define a parameter that is

validate String (probably not a hard req)

and expect it to properly generate the value, it will not. See lines
206/207 of galaxygetopt/ for the current hack I use to get
around this.

This library features a number of subclasses of
galaxygetopt.parameter.parameter, all of which have myriad numbers
of options. In order to brutally test these, I have added a class
galaxygetopt/tests/ which can generate every
single possible combination of functional calls, given rules you
specify. You can then generate hundreds of objects with different sets
of options, which you can filter a subset out and test at will. See that
classes’s documentation for more information.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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