Gallery-Uploader 2.3

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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GalleryUploader 2.3

===== What is this app? =====
gallery-uploader is a program that allows you to easily upload pictures to a
remote Gallery ( installation. It is particularly
suggested for use from Nautilus, the default (GNOME) filemanager.
Last version of gallery-uploader can always be found at
It currently supports only Gallery version 2 installations.
===== How do I install it? =====
There are two ways to install gallery-uploader:
1) Single-user, as Nautilus script: just move into the extracted folder and
double-click “”. This will uninstall previous versions if detected.
2) System-wide, as standalone program: if you use Debian, or a Debian
derivative, such as Ubuntu, just install the Debian package; otherwise, download
and extract the tarball, then open a terminal into the extracted folder and run
“sudo python install”. Notice this will install it also as a
system-wide nautilus script: single users can enable it using for instance
(see )
3) Single-user, as standalone program: just open a terminal into the extracted
folde and run “./gallery-uploader”. Do not try to install with “python”
to private directories: it won’t work.
===== What are its requirements? =====

You need

Python (version 2.6 or higher),
python-argparse (already present in Python 2.7),
pygtk (2.12 or later should work, though 2.14 is required for usage in standalone mode; the version of the gtk+ libraries must be 2.16 or later),

all preinstalled in many Linux installations, and

galleryremote ( ), which does the real work of communicating with remote Gallery instances.

If python-gnomekeyring is present, passwords will be safely stored with GNOME
Gallery-uploader was created to be used from Nautilus, GNOME’s default
filemanager, but it is in no way tied to it: if you prefer, you can use it from
shell, by giving the names of the images to load as arguments. If it doesn’t get
any argument, it will open a small browser which can be used to select the
desired pictures. This browser, which makes gallery-uploader a real standalone
program, requires the additional dependence python-gnome in order to work.
===== Old configuration files =====
Until version 1.11, Gallery-uploader relied on another library: gup.
Its configuration files may be left in a folder called “.gup” inside your home
directory. The first time you run a newer version of Gallery-uploader, it will
import them automatically. Afterwhile, if you do not use gup directly, you can
safely delete that folder.
===== Who should I blame if this sucks? =====
Pietro Battiston - <>
===== How to translate to my language? =====
You must have an account on . Then, visit
Assuming that your language doesn’t exist, click “Add a new translation” and
upload the .po file for your language (which doesn’t have to necessarily contain
translated strings already). This step will soon become unnecessary, but for the
moment feel free to write me a line, and I’ll take care of it.
After that, you can click on the “edit” icon near to your language and start
filling the fields.


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