gbscli 0.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

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gbscli 0.1.0

GreedyBandit CLI
The CLI supports Python 3.4 or higher. In most cases you may use pip to
install the CLI:
pip install gbscli

Run gbs to verify:

How to use
Create an account and obtain the service credential
You must register new account with your e-mail address:
gbs account create "YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS" "YOUR NAME"

You will receive an e-mail containing a link to obtain the service credential.
Click the link and copy the content or use curl or wget to download the
Please note that the URL is temporary and won't work twice. If you want to get
another service credential use the following command to get another link:
gbs account credential "YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS"

Save the credential as a file and place it ~/.config/gbs/credential.json. If
there is no such directory, you should create one.
Run the following command to check if the credential registered correctly:
gbs account describe

Services, experiments, and goals
A service represents a website or an app. Single account may have one or more
services. To see registered services run the following command:
gbs service list

If you've just created new account, the command will show an empty list.
Each service may contain zero or more experiments and goals. Each
experiment represents independent A/B test session and each goal represents
goals or objectives of the service such as new customer acquisition, purchase
completion, or reach to the target page.
In GreedyBandit, individual experiments don't contain goals. Instead, goals
belong to the service and every single experiment in the service is evaluated
against every single goal. This separation of experiments and goals helps
you to avoid local optimizations caused by conflicting experiments.
Configure experiments
Configure goals
Apply experiments to the website using Javascript SDK
Monitor the performance on-going experiments
Setting up virtual environment:
pyenv virtualenv 3.7.3 gbs-gbscli
pip install -e .

Unit testing:

To run tox:
pyenv install 3.7.3
pyenv install 3.6.8
pyenv install 3.5.7
pyenv install 3.4.9
pyenv local 3.7.3 3.6.8 3.5.7 3.4.9


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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