gc-delighted-python 1.0.0-beta

Creator: bradpython12

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gcdelightedpython 1.0.0beta

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You can find your API key in your Delighted account, under *Settings* > *API*.## UsageAdding/updating people and scheduling surveys:```python# Add a new person, and schedule a survey immediatelyperson1 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test1@delighted.com')# Add a new person, and schedule a survey after 1 minute (60 seconds)person2 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test2@delighted.com', delay=60)# Add a new person, but do not schedule a surveyperson3 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test3@delighted.com', send=False)# Add a new person with full set of attributes, including a custom question# product name, and schedule a survey with a 30 second delayperson4 = delighted.Person.create( email='foo+test4@delighted.com', name='Joe Bloggs', properties={'customer_id': 123, 'country': 'USA', 'question_product_name': 'The London Trench'}, delay=30)# Update an existing person (identified by email), adding a name, without# scheduling a surveyupdated_person1 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test1@delighted.com', name='James Scott', send=False)```Unsubscribing people:```python# Unsubscribe an existing persondelighted.Unsubscribe.create(person_email='foo+test1@delighted.com')```Deleting pending survey requests```python# Delete all pending (scheduled but unsent) survey requests for a person, by email.delighted.SurveyRequest.delete_pending(person_email='foo+test1@delighted.com')```Adding survey responses:```python# Add a survey response, score onlysurvey_response1 = delighted.SurveyResponse.create(person=person1.id, score=10)# Add *another* survey response (for the same person), score and commentsurvey_response2 = delighted.SurveyResponse.create(person=person1.id, score=5, comment='Really nice.')```Retrieving a survey response:```python# Retrieve an existing survey responsesurvey_response3 = delighted.SurveyResponse.retrieve('123')```Updating survey responses:```python# Update a survey response scoresurvey_response4 = delighted.SurveyResponse.retrieve('234')survey_response4.score = 10survey_response4.save# <delighted.SurveyResponse object at 0xabc123># Update (or add) survey response propertiessurvey_response4.person_properties = {'segment': 'Online'}survey_response4.save# <delighted.SurveyResponse object at 0xabc123># Update person who recorded the survey responsesurvey_response4.person = '321'survey_response4.save# <delighted.SurveyResponse object at 0xabc123>```Listing survey responses:```python# List all survey responses, 20 per page, first 2 pagessurvey_responses_page1 = delighted.SurveyResponse.allsurvey_responses_page2 = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(page=2)# List all survey responses, 20 per page, expanding person objectsurvey_responses_page1_expanded = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(expand=['person'])survey_responses_page1_expanded[0].person# <delighted.Person object at 0xabc123># List all survey responses, 20 per page, for a specific trend (ID: 123)survey_responses_page1_trend = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(trend='123')# List all survey responses, 20 per page, in reverse chronological order (newest first)survey_responses_page1_desc = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(order='desc')# List all survey responses, 100 per page, page 5, with a time rangefiltered_survey_responses = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(page=5, per_page=100, since=datetime.datetime(2014, 03, 01), until=datetime.datetime(2014, 04, 30))```Retrieving metrics:```python# Get current metrics, 30-day simple moving average, from most recent responsemetrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve# Get current metrics, 30-day simple moving average, from most recent response,# for a specific trend (ID: 123)metrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve(trend='123')# Get metrics, for given rangemetrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve(since=datetime.date(2013, 10, 01), until=datetime.date(2013, 11, 01))```## <a name="advanced-configuration"></a> Advanced configuration & testingThe following options are configurable for the client:```pythondelighted.api_keydelighted.api_base_url # default: 'https://api.delighted.com/v1'delighted.http_adapter # default: delighted.HTTPAdapter```By default, a shared instance of `delighted.Client` is created lazily in `delighted.get_shared_client()`. If you want to create your own client, perhaps for test or if you have multiple API keys, you can:```python# Create an custom client instance, and pass as last argument to resource actionsimport delightedfrom delighted import Clientclient = Client(api_key=‘API_KEY', api_base_url=‘https://api.delighted.com/v1', http_adapter=HTTPAdapter())metrics_from_custom_client = delighted.Metrics.retrieve(client=client)# Or, you can set Delighted.shared_client yourselfdelighted.shared_client = delighted.Client( api_key='API_KEY', api_base_url='https://api.delighted.com/v1', http_adapter=delighted.HTTPAdapter())metrics_from_custom_shared_client = delighted.Metrics.retrieve()```## Supported versions- 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4- pypy, pypy3## Contributing1. Fork it2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)5. Create new Pull Request


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