gcpdns 1.2.9

Creator: railscoder56

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gcpdns 1.2.9

A Python module and CLI for managing zones and resource record sets on Google Cloud DNS


Dump all project zones names in CSV and/or JSON format
Dump all zone resource record sets in CSV and/or JSON format
Create and delete zones via CLI or CSV
Create and delete resource record sets via CLI
Update DNS resource records for multiple zones in one project using one CSV
Automatically split TXT records longer than 255 characters when publishing
Automatically add an ending . to records when needed


gcpdns: A CLI for managing zones and resource record sets on Google Cloud

--version Show the version and exit.
--verbose Enable verbose logging.
--help Show this message and exit.

record Manage DNS resource record sets.
zone Manage DNS zones.

gcpdns record
Usage: gcpdns record [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Manage DNS resource record sets.

--help Show this message and exit.

create Create a resource record set (Data fields separated by |).
delete Delete a resource record set
dump Dump a list of DNS resource records.
update Create, replace, and delete resource record sets using a CSV file.

gcpdns zone
Manage DNS zones.

--help Show this message and exit.

create Create a DNS zone.
delete Delete a DNS zone and all its resource records.
dump Dump a list of DNS zones.
update Create and delete zones using a CSV file.

Use pip (or pip3 for Python 3).
sudo -H pip install gcpdns

To use gcpdns, you’ll need a separate service account credentials JSON
file for each GCP project that you want to work with.
Ensure that the Service Account has the proper permissions to edit DNS
(e.g. the DNS Administrator role) in the project.

Zone CSV fields


create - Creates a zone
delete - Deletes a zone

dns_name - The zone’s DNS name
gcp_name - The zone’s name in GCP (optional)
description - The zone’s description (optional)

Record CSV fields


create - Creates a resource record set
replace - The same as create, but will replace an existing resource
record set with the same name and record_type (if it exists)
delete - Deletes a resource record set

name - The record set name (i.e. the Fully-Qualified Domain Name)
record_type - The DNS record type
ttl - DNS time to live (in seconds)
data - DNS record data separated by |


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