gdot 0.0.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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gdot 0.0.2

Git my dotfiles!

This is a preview project, not ready for use yet, most of the implementation is not there yet

gdot is a python CLI that allows to easily roam one’s dotfile configs
(such as ~/.bashrc and ~/.config/...) between multiple machines.
Getting started:
# On first login, associate your local files to a remote git repo
gdot attach github:myuserid

# Pull changes from your remote git store any time
gdot pull

# Add some files to track
gdot add ~/.bashrc ~/.config/htop/

# When you made some local changes, push them to your git store
gdot push

# Optionally, you can specify a commit message
gdot push -m "Changed qtile settings"

# See what's changed since you last push/pull-ed
gdot status
gdot diff

Install it with pickley:
pickley install gdot # Grab the latest
pickley install gdot==1.0.0 # Or pin to a specific version
Or in a venv:
python3 -mvenv ~/.local/venvs/gdot
~/.local/venvs/gdot/bin/pip install gdot

# Then put a symlink to a folder that is in your PATH:
ln -s ~/.local/venvs/gdot/bin/gdot ~/.local/bin/gdot

# Or simply alias it:
alias gdot=~/.local/venvs/gdot/bin/gdot

# You can upgrade it like so:
~/.local/venvs/gdot/bin/pip install -U gdot

# Or pin to a specific version:
~/.local/venvs/gdot/bin/pip install -U gdot==1.0.0


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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