kvigall 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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kvigall 0.1.0

kvigall is a calendar program capable of showing calendars created
from scripts that you create. If there’s a site that you often check
for upcoming events, you can create a script that crawls and parses
this site. By converting your resulted data into a format
understandable by kvigall, you can then view the info in a calendar.
kvigall currently has two calendars:

one using curses (default)
one just printing to the terminal (called ‘text’)

kvigall caches events to make loading faster and easier. This also
makes it possible to read events from a script that depends on a
connection to the internet even if there is no connection.

kvigall is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public
License version 3 (or any later version). The author of kvigall is
Niels Serup, contactable at ns@metanohi.org. This is version 0.1.0 of
the program.
External libraries included with kvigall are GPL-compatible.


Way #1
Just run this (requires that you have python-setuptools installed):
$ sudo easy_install kvigall

Way #2
Get the newest version of kvigall at
http://metanohi.org/projects/kvigall/ or at
Extract the downloaded file and run this in a terminal:
$ sudo python setup.py install

Python 2.5+ is probably a requirement.

Optional extras
If present, kvigall will use these Python modules:


Web address: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/qvikconfig/
License: GPLv3+
Installing: $ sudo easy_install qvikconfig
Author: Niels Serup


Web address: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/termcolor/
License: GPLv3+
Installing: $ sudo easy_install termcolor
Author: Konstantin Lepa <konstantin lepa at gmail com>


Web address: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/htmlentitiesdecode/
License: WTFPL 2.0+
Installing: $ sudo easy_install htmlentitiesdecode
Author: Niels Serup

(Copies of qvikconfig, termcolor and htmlentitiesdecode
are included in the kvigall distribution, so you’ll be fine without
downloading them yourselves.)


Web address: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setproctitle/
License: New BSD License
Installing: $ sudo easy_install setproctitle
Author: Daniele Varrazzo <daniele varrazzo at gmail com>

To use kvigall after installation, run kvigall. To get an
impression of its options, run kvigall --help.
kvigall works by using mods. These mods are ordinary Python
programs. Every mod must have a Connector class with a
get_kvigall_events function returning a list of kvigall events (by
importing Event from kvigall.various). If you create a script
called simple_mod.py and place it in your scripts directory
($HOME/.kvigall by default), you can call it from kvigall by running
kvigall simple_mod.
This distribution includes a basic simple_mod.py, which can be
used as a base when developing new mods. Other mods are available on
the internet; see http://metanohi.org/projects/kvigall/mods/ for a
list of some of the downloadable and usable mods in existence.
kvigall can use config files instead of just command line options. All
of these options can be overridden on the command line. It is possible
to have several config files, using different ones for different
purposes. Run kvigall --help for available config file options and
their equivalent command line options. A config file might look like
default scripts = simple_mod # Using simple_mod.py
frontend = curses:navigate # Use the default frontend, but make it
# begin in navigate-mode instead of command-mode
#frontend = text # I want the plain text frontend
#styling = false # *really* plain text
date format = '%A, %m/%d-%Y' # e.g. Friday, 08/27-2010
start date = ++0 # If today has no events, search for an eventful date
# in the future
#update after = 1d # I want a longer-lasting cache
#start date = 2010, 01, 01 # instead of today
#start empty = true # nah, don't show anything at startup
#verbose = false # I hate errors, don't print 'em
#color errors = false # no colored errors
Your main config file should be called “kvigall.config” and saved in
the same directory as your scripts. All text after the ‘#’ character
is comment-matter.

Built-in frontends
kvigall comes with two frontends: a text-based one and a curses-based
one. To get an impression on how these frontends work, enter “help”
when running either of them. This command will display a help message.

kvigall is written in Python and uses Git for branches. To get the
latest branch, get it from gitorious.org like this:
$ git clone git://gitorious.org/kvigall/kvigall.git
A number of kvigall mods can be fetched using git as well:
$ git clone git://gitorious.org/kvigall/kvigall-mods.git

The future/TODOs
This is an incomplete list of what isn’t perfect yet.

The current way of saving caches is crude. It uses too many
files and should be improved.
There is no support for user-created frontends. This should be

The logo
The logo of kvigall, found in the “logo” directory, is available
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 (or
any later version) Unported license. A copy of this license is
available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

This document
Copyright (C) 2010 Niels Serup
Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
without any warranty.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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