mal 0.4.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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mal 0.4.0

mal is a command-line client for
MyAnimeList, via the official
One of the major design goals of this project is to avoid the use of
web-scraping, which means it should work indefinitely. Other projects
that scrape the website tend to break whenever MyAnimeList has an
update, rarely ever recovering from the needed maintenance as a result.
Development is currently in alpha. New ideas are welcome! But please
check before you submit that pull
This project is an unofficial fork of
pushrax/mal, which seems to have
fallen out of maintenance.


Search your anime list.
Fetch your anime list.
List animes by their status (e.g. watching).
Increment or decrement episode watch count.
Add anime to your Plan To Watch list.
Edit anime metadata (currently tags, status and score)
using your favorite text editor.
Print your MAL stats! Just like you do on MyAnimeList.

More features are currently being developed!
If you have a suggestion for a new feature, a bug to report or something
else, you can submit an
Please note that as this project is still in alpha development, pretty
much everything is subject to change.

TL;DR | Demos

Main Usage

Listing Animes By Status


Python 3.4+
setuptools (For
installing and developing)
(Merged into stdlib since version 3.2)

See requirements.txt for detailed version


Ensure that you are using Python 3 before attempting to install.
It’s common for systems to have both Python 2 and 3, so if necessary,
use pip3 or python3 -m pip.
If your system has both python2 and python3, replace all
instances of python and pip with python3 and pip3 (or
python3 -m pip).

Install via pip
From the command line, run:
$ pip install --user mal
This will install the latest stable build of mal from the PyPi

Manual Installation
If you want the absolute latest, bleeding-edge version, you’ll have to
install manually.
Clone this project and run pip:
$ git clone
$ cd mal
$ sudo pip install --user .
Note: If installing in a virtualenv, the sudo is not necessary.
It’s also possible to install with the makefile (sudo make install)
and the setup script (sudo python3 ./ install), but we
strongly recommend pip, as it tracks dependencies, and can
uninstall. It is a package manager, after all.
Finally, if you want to update after having already installed, you can
do this:
$ git pull origin master
$ sudo pip install --user .

On Arch Linux
This project has been packaged and uploaded to the AUR as
in case you’re using Arch Linux or a similar distro (like Manjaro).

If you just can’t get mal to run because it’s crashing upon
startup, make sure that everything is using python3
$ head -1 $(which mal)
$ sudo ed $(which mal) <<< $'1s/python$/python3\nwq'
$ head -1 $(which mal)
You might have to go through a few files to get it to work, but usually,
editing the launcher is enough. Failing that, delete the launcher,
re-clone the repo, and try again in a virtualenv. If it works there,
be careful to follow the above steps and make sure you’re using python3
for everything.


For some reason, the MAL API requires a username and password for most
actions… including searching the main database. Thus, mal needs your
MAL login to be useful. To prevent this from being a headache, mal
stores your credentials in your OS’s default config path (e.g.
~/.config/mal/myanimelist.ini for Linux). Your username and password
are stored unencrypted in plain text in that file. If you haven’t
already authenticated (mal login), the program will ask for your
credentials when needed.
Currently, there is an open
issue hoping to resolve
the whole “plain text password” kerfuffle.
The format of myanimelist.ini is as follows:
username = your_username
password = your_password

Using The Interface
When mal is executed without any arguments, a help message is
$ mal
usage: mal [-h] [-v]

MyAnimeList command line client.

positional arguments:
search search an anime
filter find anime in users list
increase (inc) increase anime's watched episodes by one
decrease (dec) decrease anime's watched episodes by one
login save login credentials
list list animes
config Print current config file and its path
drop Put a selected anime on drop list
stats Show anime watch stats
add add an anime to the list
edit edit entry

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show the version of mal
You can also use the -h or --help options with mal or any of
its subcommands to see specific help messages.
$ mal list -h
usage: mal list [-h] [--extend] [--user USER] [section]

positional arguments:
section section to display, can be one of: [all, watching, completed,
on hold, dropped, plan to watch, rewatching] (default: all)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--extend display extra info such as start/finish dates and tags
--user USER choose which users list to show




For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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