mysql-to-sqlite3 2.3.0

Creator: bradpython12

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mysqltosqlite3 2.3.0

MySQL to SQLite3
A simple Python tool to transfer data from MySQL to SQLite 3.
How to run
pip install mysql-to-sqlite3
mysql2sqlite --help

Usage: mysql2sqlite [OPTIONS]

-f, --sqlite-file PATH SQLite3 database file [required]
-d, --mysql-database TEXT MySQL database name [required]
-u, --mysql-user TEXT MySQL user [required]
-p, --prompt-mysql-password Prompt for MySQL password
--mysql-password TEXT MySQL password
-t, --mysql-tables TUPLE Transfer only these specific tables (space
separated table names). Implies --without-
foreign-keys which inhibits the transfer of
foreign keys. Can not be used together with
-e, --exclude-mysql-tables TUPLE
Transfer all tables except these specific
tables (space separated table names).
Implies --without-foreign-keys which
inhibits the transfer of foreign keys. Can
not be used together with --mysql-tables.
-L, --limit-rows INTEGER Transfer only a limited number of rows from
each table.
-C, --collation [BINARY|NOCASE|RTRIM]
Create datatypes of TEXT affinity using a
specified collation sequence. [default:
-K, --prefix-indices Prefix indices with their corresponding
tables. This ensures that their names remain
unique across the SQLite database.
-X, --without-foreign-keys Do not transfer foreign keys.
-Z, --without-tables Do not transfer tables, data only.
-W, --without-data Do not transfer table data, DDL only.
-h, --mysql-host TEXT MySQL host. Defaults to localhost.
-P, --mysql-port INTEGER MySQL port. Defaults to 3306.
--mysql-charset TEXT MySQL database and table character set
[default: utf8mb4]
--mysql-collation TEXT MySQL database and table collation
-S, --skip-ssl Disable MySQL connection encryption.
-c, --chunk INTEGER Chunk reading/writing SQL records
-l, --log-file PATH Log file
--json-as-text Transfer JSON columns as TEXT.
-V, --vacuum Use the VACUUM command to rebuild the SQLite
database file, repacking it into a minimal
amount of disk space
--use-buffered-cursors Use MySQLCursorBuffered for reading the
MySQL database. This can be useful in
situations where multiple queries, with
small result sets, need to be combined or
computed with each other.
-q, --quiet Quiet. Display only errors.
--debug Debug mode. Will throw exceptions.
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.

If you don't want to install the tool on your system, you can use the Docker image instead.
docker run -it \
--workdir $(pwd) \
--volume $(pwd):$(pwd) \
--rm \
--sqlite-file baz.db \
--mysql-user foo \
--mysql-password bar \
--mysql-database baz \
--mysql-host host.docker.internal

This will mount your host current working directory (pwd) inside the Docker container as the current working directory.
Any files Docker would write to the current working directory are written to the host directory where you did docker
run. Note that you have to also use a
special hostname host.docker.internal
to access your host machine from inside the Docker container.
If you're on macOS, you can install the tool using Homebrew.
brew tap techouse/mysql-to-sqlite3
brew install mysql-to-sqlite3
mysql2sqlite --help


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